I wanted to apologize and step back and give her privacy, I did.

But my feet stepped forward instead.

Blood rushed to my face and I didn't care.

My breathing got heavier as I blatantly stared at the few details that were visible over the thick foam, letting my brain fill in the blanks. My parted lips tingled and I was vaguely aware of my own tongue trapped between my teeth.

Sadie's eyes smiled under thick eyelashes and she picked up a handful of bubbles from over her chest and toyed with it between her hands before blowing some in my direction.

It couldn't reach me and it hit the floor instead. I watched the small bubbles on the ground quickly pop and the blob of foam shrink in size.

It hit me that if I stood there long enough, that was the destiny of every single minuscule bubble floating between my eyes and the most gorgeous girl's body, I swallowed.


My desire to fish her out of the water and drag her to the nearby bed was making my head spin and my cheekbones burn.

She was wet but I wasn't dry either.

"Are we late to leave? Did I lose track of time?" She asked innocently, one of her feet now poking out at the end of the tub and dripping soapy water on the floor.

My hands ached to reach for it.

I shook my head, giving myself an extra beat to formulate an answer, "I'm early, I brought you traveling gear."

"I get to dress up?" She raised an eyebrow, which made me want to die.

Images of Sadie in her high school cheerleading uniform bubbled up in my head. My face under her skirt took up most of the space among those pictures.

I almost grunted but held it together enough not to.

I nodded and focused on the task at hand, "I brought you pants and a jacket, boots and the new helmet, oh, and gloves, and a few extra thermal things to layer underneath," As I said that my eyes were burning through the foam to see what was underneath that.

"Do you want me to get out of the tub?" She teased, her voice low and soft.

She let her foot glide along the side of it, til her calf was fully out. Her knee bent over the edge of the tub on her left, her toes dripping, foam sliding down her shin and over her ankle til it pooled under her heel.

Her legs were spread open in the water and she was staring at my face, waiting for me to fall into the most beautiful trap.

"Or maybe you can join me instead," She tilted her head pensively while toying with her fingers in the foam that was covering her chest.

I was aware that if I stepped any closer then we would've never made it upstate.

"Where is your bathrobe?" I looked around the minimalistic designs of the massive bathroom, "I want to get us riding before dark," I nodded to the sun still up in the sky behind her.

"Oh," She sounded slightly disappointed but somewhat amused as she nodded and pulled her leg back into the water, more of it splashed out, "I think I left it on the bed, do you mind?"

I shook my head and gave myself another moment to look at her before complying and going to get it for her.

I was holding the robe up for her and doing my best to look away, with the only intent to speed up things and not lose myself in another daydream.

Sadie stood, showing me her bare back, my best attempts to look away went completely forgotten.

I felt so stupid, standing there, looking at her perfect figure, holding up the means to cover her up when all I wanted was to close the small distance between us instead.

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