Chapter 49 (Part IV)

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A few sword flares and Wen Ning rattling the iron bars like his life depending on it later, they were finally inside the prison room kneeling next to a very weak and faded Wen Qing. Wen Ning wanted to hug his sister so tightly, giving her all his love and warmth. But her weak and trembling body made him hesitate to even touch her lightly.

"A-Jie..., how could this be!?"

"A-Ning, you are still alive!" They realised that part of the reason she was shaking was because of the silent sobs that broke through her body. "A-Ning, my A-Ning looks healthy. So... so... were you not imprisoned? I'm so happy. I'm so happy that you were not trapped. A-Ning, do you know... do you know what happened to the others. None of them were here. I mean... they were here, but after a day or so, those monsters dragged them out. I feared... But seeing you well... is there a chance that... that Grandma... and fourth uncle and..."

The silent sorrow of their eyes answered her question.

"Oh! No, no, it is actually good. I am glad that they didn't have to suffer in such a horrible place like this. And my A-Ning is well. I was so scared that you were trapped like this all alone. But you aren't. What about Wei Wu Xian? I heard rumours. They said he's dead. But how could master Wei be dead? If... if he died... who would look after A-Yuan?"

Hearing that Si Zhui inhaled involuntarily. He was well and alive. But senior Wei was not the one who could take care of him. Wen Ning looked at him reassuringly, meaning to say that Si Zhui didn't have to bother. He will deliver an answer to his sister.

"A-Jie, master Wei is doing well. And this is A-Yuan. He's all grown up now, as you can see. He joined the Lan sect soon after and master Wei and Hanguang Jun had done a great job bringing him up."

Si Zhui was impressed. Senior Wen didn't lie. But only told his sister what she needed to know. The troubles they have gone through, there's no need for her to know about them now. They really were alive and healthy and that's all that would matter to her.

"A-Jie, I... I didn't know you were alive. I... I thought... you... with the others..." Wen Ning was really feeling guilty. "If... if I knew... I would have definitely come earlier. As soon as I was free... I would have come for you. Master Wei would have definitely helped too. But we... we didn't know..."

"A-Ning, it's okay. You are here now. You can save me now."

"Senior Wen Qing... aunt..." Si Zhui didn't even know how he should address her. He felt so awkward and guilty for barely remembering her. "... I mean... are you okay... I mean... are you well enough to walk out of this place...?"

"I... I haven't eaten anything in a while. I'm too weak to walk out of here. But if you can transfer some spiritual energy to me..."

"Of course, I'll transfer." Si Zhui said and before the other two could say anything, he had begun the transfer.

Wen Qing speaking about food reminded Wen Ning of a question that they had before. "A-Jie, if you are not too exhausted to speak, could you tell me where you got food from. I mean, it has been years and these people... they have died very recently. How were they alive for this long?"

"A-Ning, I do not know why they were keeping us all alive. But for some reason, that Jing Guang Yao wanted to keep us alive. We were under such horrible conditions, but he made sure that we would not die. We received enough food to definitely keep us alive. And if a sickness spread, we were given medication too. I do not know why, but he wanted us to be alive. But that was only up until recently. After one day, the food stopped. It is hard to count days in this dark place, but I'd say it has been at least a few months now. Noone had ever been to even visit this dungeon since. I do not know why he would suddenly stop caring about us and leave us to die like that after making such an effort to keep us alive."

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