Chapter 39 (Part II)

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At last Fairy backed off right when Jin Ling felt like he had no more energy to hold the big dog back. No one else dared to even come near the snapping big dog. Even though Jing Yi tried to help Jin Ling calm Fairy down, even he seemed scared and backed off a few steps from time to time when Fairy started fiercely snapping. But Fairy was obedient and well disciplined. So, even though it was against his will, he listened to Jin Ling when he heard Jin Ling telling him to back down.

Seeing that Fairy would not attack anyone anymore, Jin Ling finally lifted his head to soak in his surroundings. Even though people seemed really scared of Fairy, some have come to stand in front of the young man trying to protect him with their bodies.

"Cultivator, why is your dog trying to rip us off? Did you come to fight with us?" One man asked looking very angry and offended.

"Ah, master," Jing Yi said hurriedly, "we only came here to help."

"Help? Then why is your dog trying to rip us off? He was so near to ripping master Gei's leg off."

"Fairy won't try to rip someone's leg off unless there's something wrong." Jin Ling said quite offended.

"Why would there be something wrong with our Ze Min?" An old lady came warily eyeing Fairy to join their little group. "Cultivators, can't you see that he helped up survive this? I heard that usually every person within the vicinity dies when these ghouls attack. But thankfully our Ze Min worked so hard and gave us medicine."

"Yes, there is nothing wrong with master Gei. So, get your demon dog away from him before it harms such an innocent soul." The first man demanded.

Jin Ling was so close to pulling out his sword when Gei Ze Min spoke with a smile that conveyed, he had no hate towards the dog or its owner. "Uncle Chen, actually, I think it is my fault. So, please don't fight with these cultivators. And they said they came here to help us. We shouldn't treat them like this."

"Ah, Ze Min, you do not have to take the blame for everything. You are way too nice." The old lady said.

"No ma'am, I was actually telling the truth."

"What do you mean master?" Jing Yi asked very suspiciously. "Did you do something wrong? We know Fairy would only bark if anything is astray."

"Ah, cultivator. Please do not get me wrong. I did not do anything. But it should be the poison. Your dog must be able to smell it."

"What poison?" Jin Ling asked distrusting the man more every passing second.

"Well cultivator, I was extracting medicine from a root before all this happened. It is a red root of a plantain that has rare and valuable medicine hidden in it. But the root is covered with this poisonous substance. Therefore, the medicine should be extracted very carefully from it making sure the poisonous substance will not mix up. It is a delicate process that takes a long time and here and there I'm sure some of the poison ended up in my robes. It is even more deadly to dogs and they can smell it very well. I am sure your friend here also smelled it and he must have gotten an unpleasant surprise."

"Oh, then it is fine. I was really worried." Jing Yi said. Jin Ling however still looked at Ze Min very suspiciously.

But before he could ask any questions, the old lady spoke up. "Ah, Ze Min talking about medicine actually reminded me, I actually came here to ask these cultivators to help my three friends who got sick. I saw you helping Li's daughter. So, since this problem had been solved, please help my three friends as well."

Jin Ling was not paying any attention to the old lady still thinking about whether Fairy would be triggered by some poison. Jing Yi who was paying attention to the lady however looked startled. "Ah, madam, three friends? I'm afraid we won't be able to do so. Transferring spiritual energy is a big deal. And our cultivation level is not that high to begin with. My friend here was almost drained by just helping that little girl. I will be able to help one maybe. But definitely not three."

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