Chapter 6

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Both the Xia sisters and Zhang Yong Zheng were pacing through the main streets of the town. Sadly, there was no festival at Xiang Qiang that night. But the streets were as busy and vibrant as ever. They were lit up with many different coloured lamps. Sweet scents of food drifted around making their mouths water and the sweet aromas of flowers came from perfume sachets sold by many vendors. Beautiful melodies that make you want to forget where you are and dance to the rhythm could be heard as well.

Xia Hong Guang went to browse along a set of beautiful hair pins. There were so many beautiful ones. They were all uniquely beautiful. She wished that she could buy them all. Only if she had that kind of money. Her eyes stopped at a red and white pin. She never thought that red and white went together. But this one was so beautiful. It even had a red stone. Probably fake but nonetheless beautiful. It will go perfectly with her sister's sharp features.

She just turned around to say so. But for once Xing Juan was not next to her. She glanced around panicking a little bit. When she could finally locate her sister, she had already gone few paces further without realizing that Hong Guang stopped to look at the pins. She still hadn't noticed, or she just didn't care anymore. Wrapped in her lover's arms, her head was drifting from side to side trying to take it all in, laughing, probably at some stupid thing 'the perfect husband' said.

Hong Guang walked straight towards them. "You two are not planning on making me watch you canoodle, are you?"

"Really Hong Guang, can you stop being annoying all the time? Not everything is about you. Can't I just be with my fiancé for a few minutes without you fuming about it?"

Hong Guang was taken aback by this. Was she really annoying all the time? Of course, she knew that not everything is about her. But everything used to be about them. They were never annoyed by each other's presence before. But oh well, it seemed a sister can easily be replaced by a lover. She was a bit mad.

"If you are going to make babies in the middle of the street at least give me some money so I can go my own way." She said scowling at her sister.

Xing Juan scowled as well and was about to say something in return. But she thought better of it. "Here," Xing Juan handed out her whole pouch, for there was not enough money in it to give just a portion anyway. The moment Hong Guang got hold of it, she could tell by the weight it was way less than she expected to get. They came to the town after so long. She was expecting to buy a lot of things and clearly this much wasn't enough. But she couldn't even bring herself to ask for more. How could she when her sister handed her all the money she had on her. She was about to turn around and walk away when her sister spoke.

"Book a room at Xiang Qiang while you are at it. The corner one on the first floor is my favourite."

"You sure you don't want me to book two?" Hong Guang asked eyeing Yong Zheng from the corner of her eyes.

"Do you think we have that kind of money?"

Hong Guang knew that they didn't. Well, the scary light-weight of the money pouch was there to remind her anyway. She told herself it would be for the best. Even though she preferred to be in the other end of the world from where the perfect husband was, she still loved to chat nonsense with her sister deep into the night. So, she thought they would be able to do that tonight as well if they were in the same room. And having a grown man who is not related to her in the same room has also stopped bothering her after they had to sleep in that tiny house with so many people inside.

But still if she spent the money she just received on a room, she will barely have anything left. It's just so little money.

"It's time for you to learn how to spend sparingly." Her sister said scoldingly surprising Hong Guang.

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