Chapter 25

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A/N: I'm busy today. So, didn't get a chance to reread. I'm sorry if there's a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes. I'll correct them real soon...   Enjoy lovlies. 

Xia Hong Guang felt like she was on the verge of tears. Wang Chun Hua was slopped by her side with her head in her hands. Hong Guang wished the other girl wouldn't blame her for making such a rash decision. If they joined the group of cultivators, there's no chance that they would have found their parents. But right now, it didn't seem like they were making any progress either. The other girl didn't even show any sign of anger, but Hong Guang knew that deep inside, she wished that they had joined the cultivators.

They were in a shop that sold food. One can't even call it a restaurant. They were soon going to run out of money to even buy anything edible. But it seemed both the girls couldn't even stomach the two small bowls of food they spent their precious money on.

It definitely wasn't because they weren't hungry. They felt so tired to the point that they barely had any energy left. Throughout the whole morning, they were talking to as many people as they could to gather any information that could help them. At first, Hong Guang didn't feel like it was that much of a challenge because some men were really willing to talk to a pretty young lady who could be flirtatious when she wanted to. But later, when they realised that they weren't getting anything more out of it, they became more resistant. And both the girls didn't have money to exchange for any information either.

It was really tiring to force anything useful out of anyone. No one was willing to spare even a minute to talk to a total stranger for free. And so far, they hadn't found anything that was even slightly useful.

"Chun Hua, let's hurry up and go back to that guesthouse. Who knows, we might have better luck in the afternoon."

"You don't really believe that, do you?" Chun Hua asked, heaving a sigh. "Maybe we should give up." Seeing the other girl starting to protest, she added, "at least for today. I'm tired. But that's only physically. I'm mentally exhausted and emotionally drained."

This made Hong Guang chuckle. "I didn't expect you to be so dramatic."

"I wasn't being dramatic. You really have a thick skin to not be discouraged after how we've been treated."

"I don't have thick skin, okay? But we don't have a choice. We are doing this for our family. You can't give up like this."

"We can start tomorrow. Let's get some rest now."

"HELL NO. What if we missed a person who knew about something? We can't risk that. We already wasted too much time. If you are not going, I'm going alone."

Chun Hua wanted to tell her friend, that even if they did this all day long without taking any breaks, there's still a huge chance of missing a person who could provide them and willing to provide them with the information they needed. But her heart didn't allow her to stop the other girl from getting back to roam the streets. She knew that it wasn't courage that was fuelling the other girl, but fear. Even though Hong Guang hid it, she could see how scared and hopeless the other girl felt. She had also noticed how Hong Guang hopefully looked at passers-by that even remotely resembled her sister or her fiancé.

Reluctantly, Chun Hua also got to her feet. Right off the bat, she got some annoyed glares from two strangers. The reason that they chose here was that this was a really big town with a famous guest house. But Chun Hua wondered how long they could stay around the guest house before they were chased away. She hurried to tell Hong Guang not to get too close to it, but alas, she saw her friend disappear inside before she could catch up to her.

With a sigh, Chun Hua also followed inside. Hong Guang was already conversing with a couple. She seemed to have no problem with starting conversations with people when she was determined to do so. Chun Hua looked around to find someone that she could strike a conversation with. But people either looked too busy or they looked like they would ignore her like she's an annoying fly. She saw a young girl looking at her, and she smiled at her, only to be rewarded with a scowl.

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