Chapter 24

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Wei Wu Xian was startled out of his thoughts when Wen Ning pulled him to the side of the road. To be honest, that night at the tavern, he had pretended not to notice the maiden when they left. He hadn't seen her when they got up from their seats. But he could clearly see the maiden who climbed the structure that night staring at them as they left. She looked like she wanted to tell him something, but at the moment, he didn't feel like talking, so he pretended not to notice and just left.

"Master, what are you thinking about so deeply. You almost bumped into that other master by accident." Wen Ning said, giving an apologetic look to the passer by.

"Ah, it's just that maiden and her village. I can't seem to get it out of my head."

They had been walking around aimlessly for a while. Wu Xian had given up his thoughts on meeting Lan Wang Ji in Qinghe. Maybe they should have never come here. Maybe he should have listened to Wen Ning and waited in Gusu.

"I also feel sorry for her. But master, what about it that troubles you so deeply that you even forgot to look where you were going?"

"Yeah, well... what happened to her is really sad, but that's not what's bothering me. Seeing that she misinterpreted me to be one of the murderers and the fact that she was in that village that evening, I can't shove off this feeling that somehow those two are connected. It doesn't make any sense. You said that her villagers were killed by swords. But I feel like there is a connection somehow."

"Master, should we go to that village and check?"

"It would be nice if it's possible, but do you know where the village is?"

"Ah... no." Wen Ning hung his head, feeling guilty for not having the information his master needed.

"What about that maiden's name?"

"Ah... I didn't ask that either." He replied, still looking down.

"Wen Ning, raise your head, will you? Why are you looking down like that? You didn't do anything wrong even though... sentimental?"

"Ah, master, I am not that sentimental."

"No, not you. But isn't that the sentimental one?"

Zi Zhen saw from the corner of his eyes someone waving at him from far away. Looking towards that direction, a huge smile appeared on his face. Where is this Jin Ling? He had lost him somewhere a few minutes ago. "Jin Ling," he shouted, "come meet an old friend of yours." With that, he walked towards Wei Wu Xian.

"Ah... senior Wei? What? Why are you running away? It's just me. You waved at me earlier, so why are you running away now?" Zi Zhen started to run after him, but someone grabbed his arm.

It was Jin Ling, and he was panting. "Zi Xiong, did you see Fairy by any chance? Fairy ran off earlier, and I ran after him, but I lost him and can't find him anywhere."

"Ah!..." A smile appeared on Zi Zhen's face. "I think I have a vague idea where Fairy went. Seriously, Jin Ling, you should teach your dog not to chase your friends away."

"Fairy chased a friend?"

"Yes, I saw senior Wei earlier from over there." He pointed to where he saw Wei Wu Xian. "He even waved at me, but then he started running. Now I can guess why."

"Wei Wu Xian is not my friend."

"Then, is he your enemy? If you are not willing to call him your uncle, what else are you going to call him?"

"Whatever," Jin Ling scowled and started to walk towards the direction they assumed Fairy had gone. "It is not my fault that he's terrified of harmless beings."

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