Chapter 5

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Jiang Yong Liang sat next to the window, looking at the night sky, one hand resting on the window frame. He let out a long sigh. Even though the cold night wind was kind of refreshing, it wasn't enough to take away the fatigue from his bones. He wished they would soon head back to Lotus Pier, but Sect leader Jiang seemed not to hold such intentions.

It had been more than five years since sect leader Jiang had appointed him as his second in command. Even though it was a prestigious position, a lot of people dreaded to occupy it for two reasons. One being the obvious short temper of sect leader Jiang and the other was because the position was once occupied by Wei Wu Xian himself.

But when sect leader Jiang asked him to take the position Yong Liang was over the moon. Not only was he able to get along with Sect leader Jiang so well without even angering him, he held a deep respect towards sect leader Jiang. But that night, looking outside the window of a tavern in Qishan near Qiongqi Path, Yong Liang really wished he wasn't in such a position.

A few days ago, sect leader Jiang had gathered a few disciples of the Jiang sect and headed away from the Lotus Pier to night hunt. This was nothing out of the ordinary. Actually, this is what they usually do. But the strange thing this time was that Sect leader Jiang never told them where they were heading, or what kind of creatures they were hunting. So, this was enough to arouse suspicion inside the small group because, every other time they went night hunting, the Sect leader always kept them well informed.

But what they didn't know and Yong Liang made sure that they would not know is that sect leader Jiang completely ignored young master Jin's note that came the day they were about to head out, which said he would head out to night hunt as well. This was quite unusual. It was well known that Jiang Wan Yin would assist young master Jin whenever he went night-hunting. It was like sect leader Jiang could not even breath knowing that his nephew would be in possible danger.

So, Yong Liang received quite a shock when he presented young master Jin's note to sect leader Jiang, himself and when sect leader Jiang told him to ignore it, for, he did not have time to be bothered with Jin Ling. He also asked Yong Liang to gather a hunting crew, for he was expecting to head out that very night. Despite how much puzzled he was, amid the chaos of preparations, Yong Liang made sure to write a reply letter to young master Jin saying that his uncle was terribly sorry he could not accompany him to night hunt this time.

After they headed out, it was even worse. It was like sect leader Jiang was roaming around without a specific destination. From all the places they went, only two proved worthy enough for night-hunting. Even those had a few low-level corpses and ghouls. They felt like target grounds of small clans that only began cultivation. Definitely not something the Jiang sect of Yunmeng would bother with.

Not even him, but the other disciples were noticing as well. Jiang Yong Liang was able to catch some of what the other disciples were talking about. Every passing day, they were getting more certain that sect leader Jiang was roaming without any specific destination. It was also obvious that recently sect leader Jiang easily got caught up in his own thoughts. The fact that sect leader Jiang had not lashed out on anyone out of anger the past few days, even though relieving, was quite unusual.

The disciples were getting concerned. They were debating among themselves, whether sect leader Jiang has lost his colours as a sect leader. If he behaved in this manner, will the Yunmeng Jiang sect be able to uphold its position.

Yong Liang was disgusted. It has only been a few occurrences. And these ungrateful disciples had an audacity to say such things. Thankfully there was only a handful of them. He had heard that back in the days, everyone in Lotus Pier really loved their two young masters. He wished he could have been in Yunmeng back in those days. But back then he was too young and definitely didn't even wish to become a cultivator.

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