Chapter 4

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Wen Ning was surprised to see how small the old woman he bumped into was. She seemed to have a lot of strength even though she was petite, not to mention very old. But she barely even staggered when he bumped into her. He was sure he bumped into her hard. Accidentally, but nonetheless... hard. They also could see that the child's eyes were white only because of blindness. It wasn't something evil as they first assumed.

The old lady didn't say anything. Wen Ning was too shocked to even apologize as the old lady walked towards the child and produced a steam bun while sitting next to her. The child took it and started guzzling it right away. Finally, that is when the old lady lifted her face and looked at them.

Sizhui had noticed that the steamed bun was made very badly. It seemed that this old lady didn't have that much wealth to take care of themselves. "Senior Wen just bought some food. Shall we have dinner together." Despite the fear and doubt in his heart, Sizhui couldn't help but offer.

"Why would you noble people bother about someone like us? We can look after ourselves. You don't need to bother." Even though it was like a strong resist, the old lady's voice was weak and full of humiliation. She wasn't being spiteful. It seemed like she had really low self-esteem and genuinely thought that they did not deserve such kindness from people.

"He is not a noble human. He is different." Despite the little girl's slight frame, her voice was strong and sharp. But what was bone chilling was the fact that even though she was looking straight ahead with her pupilless eyes, her finger pointed straight at Wen Ning.

"A-Luli, don't say such things." Nonetheless the old lady gave Wen Ning a quick glance like she was really frightened of him. Wen Ning immediately looked down and shrank his shoulders to appear as small and harmless as possible.

"Someone so full of death cannot be a noble human being." She said like she was trying to prove that she didn't do anything wrong by saying it out loud in the first place. "This one is full of light though. But wherever light is, darkness is always around."

Was he the darkness? Is the little girl implying that he shouldn't be around A-Yuan? Wen Ning really hoped that the little girl would stop saying such things.

After they got the old lady to agree to eat with them, Wen Ning built a small fire inside the house to keep them warm and went outside to prepare a meal. Exhausted as he was, even the adrenaline not being able to hold him upright, Lan Sizhui collapsed to the ground and rested his back against the wall. Despite how many times he told himself it was impolite to stare at a stranger, he couldn't stop himself from keeping an eye on the child.

Of course, from the start it was obvious she was not a normal child. But, what made a child so young say such words? When she talked she sounded more like an elder. Sizhui was sure he hadn't even heard his friends speak in such a manner. And the crying that he heard before of course was not normal. Sizhui could not stop himself from wondering who this child was.

After Wen Ning prepared a meal, they all sat down together and started to eat. The old lady was sneaking glances at them time to time like she was scared that they would do something bad if she wasn't careful. But the child ate very calmly. She was just sitting there, eating, her eyes on her food bowl, minding her own business, so unlike a child.

Neither of them spoke a word for a while until suddenly the old lady started to mumble. At first it was hard to interpret what she was saying. But eventually the more sensitive ears of Wen Ning and Lan Sizhui could recognize the words.

"Why kindness? Why for us? What are they going to do to A-Li? Don't throw A-Li away, she's still young. What will they do to us?"

Lan Sizhui couldn't stop himself from saying, "Madam, please don't be scared of us. We won't bring any harm towards you. That is not our intention."

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