Chapter 42 (Part III)

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"Ahhhh Ouyang, I'm about to die."

After hearing many complains of exhaustion from Jin Ling for a while, surprised, Zi Zhen turned to Jing Yi who just wailed like a dying cat. "Jing Yi xiong, not you too. Weren't you the one who really wanted to hurry and find lady Li before she left town?"

"Yeah, well that was before I got up from my seat and realised how tired I was. Ouyang, how come you are not tired? Are you even human?"

"Well, a little bit. But aren't you guys excited? We are going to get Si Zhui xiong a lady. I think feeling a little tired is completely worth it. I can't wait. Jing Yi aren't you excited for your best friend?"

"Excited my butt." Jin Ling cursed under his heavy breath.

"Zi xiong, I am feeling a bit tired too." Si Zhui added in a small voice. "Jing Yi and Jin Ling must be exhausted. I really don't have any energy to muster the courage to go and talk to anyone much less a lady. And I don't think lady Li and the Jin disciples went to play any games either. They must feel drained as much as we do. We checked two places already. So, I do believe if they haven't left the town already, they are at someplace resting for the night."

Zi Zhen did see sense in Si Zhui's words. Of course, even though Jin Chan was as eager to show off as much as Jin Ling said, he wouldn't be doing so even when he was so exhausted.

Therefore, they also dragged themselves to the nearest tavern and not even checking whether it had fair conditions booked a room and dropped on the beds and was lost to this world an hour or so past noon the next day.

Si Zhui was the first to wake up feeling very disoriented. He always got a headache when he slept way past his usual waking time of 5 am. And even though his body felt like it had more energy now that he was well rested, the pain of the occurrences of the last night-hunt was written all over his muscles. But he dragged himself downstairs and ordered food knowing his friends would be really grateful to be able to stuff their stomachs before having to do anything else.

Reluctant to wake Jin Ling and Zi Zhen up, Si Zhui went near Jing Yi's bed. Jing Yi is used to waking up early and now it is pretty late. He might also get a headache like Si Zhui. But as he stretched his arm to gently shake his friend, he felt reluctant. For some reason the peace and quite accompanied by the gentle snoring (well Si Zhui was really generous to call it gentle, for Jin Ling and Fairy was having a competition on who could snore louder.) of his friends felt really soothing and he did not feel like disturbing it. If he was honest, he was dreading what would happen when his friends wake up.

The best outcome would be them forgetting about yesterday's incidents and conversations and going on having a relaxing day. But what if... what if they wanted to set Si Zhui up with lady Li? Si Zhui really couldn't fathom anymore how he was interested in that idea yesterday. Why did it excite him? Right then Si Zhui was feeling very reluctant and self-conscious. He sure did respect and admire lady Li. But did that mean he really liked her? He did admire and respect Hanguang Jun and senior Wei very much too. That did not mean he was in any shape or way attracted to them romantically.

And... and even if he was attracted to lady Li, he really couldn't ask her out. She already seemed to think that he was very stupid. If she knew he was interested in her, she might even feel disgusted.

His self-destructive thoughts were interrupted by Jin Ling moaning loudly and turning around. And that sound made Zi Zhen snap into consciousness even though he refused to let go of his sleep. With his eyes closed he patted around with his hand trying to grab something. "That smells so good. Sweets... mmmhh sweets... Mom, mom did you make sweets? Mom, were you cooking for me? Mom your son is really hungry." He sat up saying, "Mom can you bring me some of those stuff that smells really good. My stomach is..." Seeing that it was Si Zhui and not his mom he clapped his lips shut. He had completely forgotten that he was not home.

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