Chapter 22

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Lan Jing Yi was shivering all the way to their room from the small pond near their house. All his friends had already gotten ready and were waiting for him. Well, all of his friends except Lan Sizhui. Where the hell was he? He was supposed to wake him up as well. Now Jing Yi was late because Sizhui didn't wake him up, and Sizhui was late himself. Sizhui should thank the Gods that they don't have an adult coming with them. Otherwise, they would clearly be punished for their tardiness.

Lan Sizhui pressed the pillow to his ears. Seriously, why is Jing Yi's voice so loud? Will he never shut up? Sizhui knew that it was the day that they were supposed to set off to night hunt with their classmates. But he felt so tired to even get up. He also knew that the others included him in the hunt because he promised them that he was feeling completely fine. That wasn't a total lie. He had felt like sleeping in his own bed had succeeded in getting rid of all that fatigue he felt throughout the journey.

But he had also noticed that it had become somewhat harder for him to wake up at 5 am. He swore that it was because throughout his journey, he had to alter his sleeping schedule from time to time to suit their travelling.

But why in the world won't Jing Yi shut up and let him stay in bed for just five more minutes. It really can't be late to the point that he couldn't afford five more minutes.

"Sizhui, I'm so annoyed right now, I'm gonna break in and don't even care whether you are naked." And with that, he really opened the door and barged in.

The opened doorway gave Sizhui the reason for Jing Yi's panic. It was totally bright outside, which meant he was way late than he had even dared imagine.

"Sizhui xiong, I'm totally disappointed in you. You were supposed to wake me up as well, not the other way around."

"Jing Yi, I'm sorry."

"No, no, there's no time to feel sorry now. Hurry up and get ready. Otherwise, the others would be annoyed. I will get you some breakfast."

Sizhui opened his mouth to stop Jing Yi. But considering the situation, he had to trust Jing Yi to get his breakfast and hope for the best. He really had no time to waste, so he bolted out to take a bath.

Jing Yi was super happy with the accomplishment they made. Within only a few minutes, they were raising down the stairs. But he suddenly felt Sizhui stop, and he stopped to see why.

"Si Xiong, come on, we are already late. What are you stopping for?" Noticing that they were in front of the silent room and Sizhui was looking at it somewhat troubled, Jing Yi sighed. "Sizhui, I know you haven't met Hanguang Jun in a long time. But he's not here yet. I really don't know what's taking him this long to return."

"It's fine, Jing Yi. It can't be helped, so let's get going." Even though he said that, he found it a little harder to turn away from the house. He missed Hanguang Jun immensely, but that was not the only reason he regretted not meeting him.

Sizhui had hoped that he would get a chance to meet Hanguang Jun before they set out on this night-hunt, so he could have told him about his little sickness and got his advice before setting out again He was concerned about the melody he played as well. Now that he knew how much damage a melody could cause if they were not played correctly, he felt like he would rather not risk it before he made sure that he did nothing wrong. But now it was too late. Hanguang Jun was still away.

He knew that if he wanted to, he could have turned to Zewu Jun or even the Grand Master for help. But he was scared of the Grand Master, and even after a lot of thinking, he couldn't make himself to ask Zewu Jun either. He knew Zewu Jun would have helped him in an instance. But he didn't feel like asking him no matter what.

The Untamed 2: Deranged MindsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang