Chapter 49 (Part III)

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A/N: Guys I'm so sorry for taking way too long to update. My life really was a depressing roller-coaster the past few weeks or so with everyone getting sick and whatnot. Hope you aren't mad. I won't give up writing. I'll upload as frequently as I could. But please be more patient if things like this happen. And hope y'all enjoy... <3

"Are you alright?" Huai Sang asked Hong Guang, who seemed to be nervously hugging herself. Chai Shui had offered to walk them back all the way to the town. But they had kindly declined promising him they'd be able to easily find their way back.

But they all knew it was because they'd rather be by themselves, away from anything to do with the Zhang sect and all the confusion and heavy feeling it brought with it. They have been walking for a while buried in their own thoughts, when Chun Hua had noticed how Hong Guang was hugging herself, her head down and her back a bit crouched, like she was trying to protect herself from a gale. Chun Hua managed to silently direct Huai Sang's attention towards her friend and ever since then they had been in a silent communication wondering whether they should talk to her or let her be, until finally Huai Sang decided it would be for the best if they checked up on her.

"Alright? What does that even mean?" Hong Guang asked sarcastically. She hadn't been able to get the words of sect leader Zhang out of her head. She had made a promise that she wasn't even sure whether she was willing to keep. If Zhang Yong Zheng really was Zhang Yong Zheng, and if he was the one who had been doing all this, is it even a good thing to send such a cruel murderer to that nice old lady? But... but no matter what, it is her grandson after all...

"Hong Guang, I know it's a lot to take in. But..." Chun Hua went and grasped her friend's hand.

"You don't say! Anyway, what are we to make out of all that? Is the real Yong Zheng alive or dead?"

"Well, I know I did say to sect leader Zhang that this master Zhang can not be her grandson," Huai Sang said. "But at that time, I was also convinced that the Yong Zheng we knew was just pretending to be the real Yong Zheng. Even though I couldn't tell why he would specifically pick master Zhang's identity, I thought it must have some sort of benefit for all these weird rituals and things he performed."

"So, you are sure that it really is Yong Zheng who killed our sect?" Hong Guang asked, not sure what she was even feeling anymore.

"After all we have discovered and learned, I think it is stupid for us to think that he is not the culprit." Huai Sang said. "Though it is still better to keep our eyes open and not be completely blinded because we think we got the answers, these are the answers we have for now. It's what we have to work with. And what I was trying to say was that, even though I was convinced that the master Zhang we knew was just an imposter, after hearing the full story, I'm not so sure anymore."

"Yes, the connection to the Wen sect is something that we did not expect." Chun Hua said.

"So, he actually survived the Sun-Shot campaign?" Hong Guang asked. It sorts of scared her that Yong Zheng had somehow managed to escape such a thing. But she also felt so sorry for him if this was true. The fact that he had to go through all that, having to hide and survive when almost everyone in the cultivational world was after his head, that was too cruel. "But, then why didn't he go back to the Zhang sect? Wasn't that like the best place he could have hidden from the others? If he became a Zhang again, no one would have come after him. They might not have ever gotten to know he was ever a Wen disciple."

"Yes, that troubles me too." Huai Sang said. "He could have so easily dispersed the fact that he was a Wen disciple and become the heir of the Zhang sect. Everyone in the Zhang sect would have gladly helped him and it wasn't like the Jin sect or anyone knew about him belonging to the Wen sect. Nobody would have gone knocking at the doors of the Zhang mansion.

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