"That's great Channie, thank you." - said Hyunjin smiling at Chan

'Channie?' - thought Felix feeling slightly jealous at the nickname Hyunjin gave Chan

"It's no big deal for me, and Felix how are you feeling?" - asked Chan now averting his gaze to Felix

"A bit nervous but I'm sure it'll fade away soon." - he replied with a smile

"I understand the feeling but even so, I'm sure everything will go just as planned." - Chan smiled slightly patting Felix's shoulder to which Felix smiled

Jisung and Minho arrived a bit later, both of them looking as handsome as ever. Jisung was wearing a beige suit whilst Minho wore a black shirt with a red rose on one of the sleeves. Jisung approached Felix whilst Minho approached Hyunjin. Jisung hugged Felix gently, reassuring him that everything was gonna be okay. Minho shook hands with Hyunjin and Chan starting their casual business conversations.

It was finally time for the event to begin, the guests began arriving one by one as the soft tones of a piano filled the room.

"Shin Ryujin! It's so nice to see you here." - said Hyunjin

"Ah Hyunjin! You've grown up so much." - Ryujin replied as she hugged Hyunjin

"Your dress looks amazing." - said Chan earning a smile from Ryujin

"And you look entirely amazing yourself." - she chuckled

"So you don't like my outfit Mrs. Designer?" - Hyunjin jokingly pouted

"That's because I love it." - she winked

Beomgyu arrived shortly after along with Yeonjun.

"Whoa, look who's here! Why didn't you answer my email if you were going to come here?" - asked Hyunjin

"I don't have a habit of doing such." - answered Yeonjun slightly rubbing his neck

Hyunjin giggled, "Alright, suit yourself here."

Yeonjun nodded as they all continued their conversation. Beomgyu spotted Jisung and immediately smiled, "Hey bud!"

"Oh hey Beomgyu, how's it going?" - said Jisung smiling

"All good, just work being a hassle per usual. What about you?"

"As always, still the workaholic." - chuckled Jisung

Beomgyu laughed, "Let me guess, three iced americanos per day while trying not to rip those papers apart?"

"You got it." - said Jisung poking Beomgyus chest

The event was going well, they had a few drinks, catched up to each others lives and enjoyed themselves. Felix was seated alone at one of the tables, he seemed to be lost in what he was doing. Hyunjin noticed this and quietly approached him from the back. "Felix?"

Felix jumped slightly as he turned his head towards Hyunjin. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. But, what are you doing here alone?"

"I just wasn't feeling like socializing. I don't seem to fit in these groups. They're all so mature and serious, it makes me feel like a baby when I'm talking to them."

Hyunjin chuckled, "There's nothing wrong with being different from them. Here, how about I keep you company?"

"You don't need to do that Hyunjin- You get along with everyone here and I'm boring."

Hyunjin frowned, "You're not boring Felix, in fact, you're the complete opposite."

Hyunjin gently took a hold of Felix's hand and pulled him up from the chair leading him towards the dance floor. "You know, I demanded a dance but no one seems to want to be my dance partner. Will you be the one to change that?" - asked Hyunjin looking at Felix with hopeful eyes

Touch of Fate || Hyunlix Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ