26 | "...more than myself..."

Start from the beginning

"You look stupid." Was Neji's answer as he stood up and walked out of the room, leaving a very sad Naruto. He shook his head laughing slightly, "Hurry up we're gonna be late." Naruto rolled his eyes as he ran up to the brunette and they walked towards the entrance of the compound where the girls stood waiting.

As they walked towards the place where the festival was being held, the Hyūga noticed TenTen's speed drop slowly but surely. Being the head of a weapons company she herself was quite skilful and had a lot of stamina so it shocked him to see her wear out so easily after walking a few steps. He turned to her,

"Are you okay?" He finally decided to ask, stopping for a while for her to catch up. She looked up at him, her face bright red and sweating as she grits her teeth,

"Why are these murder machines so hard to walk in? What kind of sorcery is this? I can't even feel my toes in these tiny shoes!" She snapped turning to Hinata, Hanabi and Momona who, unlike Tenten, walked with grace and elegance. "When did you three master the art of murdering machines?" Hinata turned to her with a smile,

"Since the day Hiashi forced a kimono on us for our mother's funeral. It's not that hard if you don't think about though I will admit it's a bit difficult to walk in. Do you want to lean on me?" The irritation in the brunette's eyes immediately disappeared and was replaced with sparkles as she quickly stood up straight, shuffling towards the bluenette.

"You are an angel!" She grinned, linking her right arm onto Hinata's left so Momona was on her right and she was on her left. Due to their arrangement, the three girls walked hand in hand in front and the two boys along with Hanabi who held onto Neji's yukata sleeves, trailed behind them in silence. But Neji's mind was racing. It usually wasn't because what did he have to think about aside from relevant matters but right now what was racing through his mind was irrelevant matters that didn't matter.

For example, why did Tenten naturally navigate to his cousin in time of help when she could come to him, her fiancé? If you think about it logically, it makes no sense. Unconsciously, he grits his teeth, trying to come up with an answer to his question but it seems there were some things even the all-knowing Hyūga didn't know.

Naruto nudged him with a raised eyebrow but he wasn't paying attention to the blonde because he was currently irrelevant. They reached towards the entrance of the festival site and as if her leg wasn't hurting just a few seconds before, Tenten jumped away from her support on Hinata and skipped into the crowd, pulling Neji along with her.

The Hyūga broke into a massive grin before controlling himself, remembering that he didn't break into a massive grin that was out of character for him. Instead, he cleared his throat and feigned a groan, walking slowly and letting the brunette drag him along. Hinata and Momona snickered at the sight which Naruto rolled his eyes at.


Four of them, Hanabi, Hinata, Naruto and Momona stood in the middle of the festival sight, staring expectantly at one another. Hinata glanced at her younger sister, "Who do you want to go with Hanabi since Neji-nii-san has abandoned the both of us with his girlfriend?" She asked the brunette who shrugged, glancing at the two faces she was still getting used to. Hinata groaned. Why couldn't she make decisions? Not like she was one to talk but still.

"I'll go with Hanabi." Naruto offered and Hinata glared at him,

"Why? So you can manipulate her or murder her behind my back? I don't think so." She answered quickly, pulling the younger girl behind her.

"Geez talk about a sister complex," the blonde muttered, "She looks too much like you and gives off similar vibes there's no way I'd be able to do anything with your carbon copy next to me."

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