Chapter 20

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The waves hit the shore, and Abraar stood there, a solitary figure, his gaze wandering as he watched the sunset. Time had been relentless, slipping through his fingers like sand. Three long months had passed since Miraal's disappearance, three months of anguish and despair.

"Miraal, yaar, kaha ho tum?" he whispered to the wind, the name a mantra that had become his only solace. The search parties and the police had all but given up, and the villagers had started to lose hope.

In most missing persons cases, time was of the essence. With each passing day, the chances of finding the person grew slimmer. Abraar couldn't bear the thought that Miraal might be suffering somewhere, or worse. His love for her had only grown stronger with each passing day of her absence.

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a reddish hue over the sea, but Abraar remained rooted in his spot, his gaze never leaving the horizon.

Miraal had called for another secret meeting with the men Mirs.

As they gathered in a dimly lit room, Miraal's sharp gaze scanned each of their faces. She spoke with an authority that sent shivers down their spines, "It's time to sever our ties with the MIE. They've been using us for their personal benefit, and I've uncovered multiple frauds they've committed under our name."

The most sensitive among them, Saheer, was the one Miraal knew she could manipulate. She called him aside and whispered, "These frauds were committed by the MIE, not us. If we continue to be associated with the party, we might end up dead, either at the hands of the government or the party themselves."

Fear and doubt clouded Saheer's eyes, but he trusted Saira's judgment. He decided to confront the MIE with this damning information. However, before he could even make his move, a gunshot rang out, and Saheer fell lifeless to the ground.

Miraal had sent Saheer on a dangerous mission, a move born out of desperation and cunning. The young man had been her pawn in a treacherous game, and now he lay lifeless, a casualty of her machinations.

She returned to her room, her heart heavy with guilt and revulsion. The darkness that had consumed her had driven her to commit unspeakable acts. She couldn't wash away the stain of Saheer's blood on her hands.

Miraal broke down in her room, the weight of her actions crashing over her like a tidal wave. She wept not for the man whose life she had extinguished, but for herself. She was losing touch with her own humanity, spiraling into a dark abyss of her own making.

She fell to her knees, her body wracked with sobs, and for the first time in months, Miraal cried. She covered her mouth as if to stifle the sound, not wanting anyone to hear the despair that had taken hold of her.

The guilt, the disgust, the nausea-it was suffocating. Miraal felt as though she were drowning in a sea of her own sins.

With trembling hands, she reached for her prayer mat and spread it out on the floor. As she bowed in sajdah, her tears mixed with the sweat on the janamaaz. She sobbed, her voice a broken whisper as she prayed for forgiveness.

The party now believed and trusted Saira completely. Her manipulations had borne fruit, but as she stood over Saheer's lifeless body, she couldn't help but feel a pang of sorrow. It was suffocating to breathe, knowing that she had played a part in his demise. She caressed a flower in her room, crushing the red roses and letting the thorns prick her, reminding her that she was still alive.

The men, fueled by rage over Saheer's death, decided to launch an attack on the MIE. The ensuing battle resulted in numerous casualties on both sides. Miraal, now Saira, led her people with unwavering determination, helping the injured and ensuring their safety.

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