Thirty Nine

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Hoseok's pov,

Days gone at it's own speed. But, I don't get it how to explain the time's speed for us. It's Whole 12 days and 7 hours.

A single day felt like a year without her. Every mornings came faster that before. Without her, nothing functioning. They stuck yet going.

After 48 hours of watch, namjoon gained his consciousness back. That's relief. But, we got nothing from him. Atleast he is alive. He is still don't know about y/n's disappearance. I even afraid to imagine, If he come to know about that. He is sure a animal for some reason. He won't care about his health or anything else, if he know about y/n.

We just told him, y/n is safe. She is discharged but, because of trumatic event she afraid to came out of her room. So, the only way he can see her is he getting his health back and discharge to go home. That's why he listening everything we say, and focusing on his health improvement. I can only pray. Before he found out about y/n, we need to bring her back to us.

About y/n. We still not sure about anything. Y/n is scent gone after a while. Dash cam, stoled by culprit. We searching every vehicles crossed that area that time. Searching every possible places to found her.

To our attention, Mirae also disappeared from her house. Manya, just came hospital and gone to their old house for search files about the people missed or something. So, it's already late when we found out about Mirae.

It's getting on everyone's nerve. Like Miare and y/n, there is few more humen kidnapped from house or by accidents. Same time seokjin and yoongi went into their rage. And Jungkook possibly. But, they somehow snapped out from it and now searching her, the whole korea now uproar about namjoon's accident.

Vibration from my Moblie brought me back to reality. Everything making me anxious and I overthinking. I rarely checking my surrounding, If I once left alone. The vibration went off, I saw Moblie screen. It showed Manya's name. I sighed and called her again looking around me. I were in hospital, in lobby. Sitting on waiting chair. Today my turn to look after namjoon. He is sleeping, after taking medicine. Staying there made me overthink lot. So, I came out here thought it will be better distraction looking at people. But, I gone back to over thinking.

I noticed a young pup, staring at me from beside chair. I smiled at her, little. It's sad one. I don't want to smile or anything. I'm not in mood. But, looking at the youngling's face remind me of y/n.

Manya's line is busy. She must be calling me from other side. I thought and cut the my line, waiting for her to call me again.

The youngling called by a adult hybrid. She hop off from chair and run. After waveing at me. She bubbly and cute. I thought.

My Moblie again vibrated. I looked at screen, thought it was Manya. But, it's seokjin.

I slide the green icon to attend his call.

"Hoseok!" His voice come out with loud and after heavy breath.

"Jin!" I panicked hearing his voice like that, I stood up and turned my face toward entrance. "What's wrong?"

"We found where is y/n is" his words surprised me, without wasting anymore second I walk fast toward entrance, soon it turned run.

"Where she is?" I excalmed. A large grin plastered on my face.

"A old house in sub urban area. We are heading toward there. I sharing location to you, inform Jin Kyung to send force, Jimin and Manya turned in there animal form and went there. Followed by jungkook and yoongi. So, quick" he telling everything between heavy breath. He must running, or calming himself before he regret anything.

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