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"AHHHH.... Let me go" I pushed him, collecting all my strength and run away. But, he could still catch me by my wrist and pushed me on tree stem.

"Y/n. Y/n. Listen me."

"I don't want. Let me go"

"It's dangerous here"

"Whatever. I don't want near any of you"

"I can't leave you here" he lift me on his shoulder. I hit him on his back and my legs on his chest. I Wiggled in his hold. He grapped me tight.

"Let me goooo..." I screamed out loud. The whole mountain Shocked by my scream.

"Shut up" he slapped me on my ass. I Wiggles more. He stopped and let me fall on ground. I immediately tried to run. He pulled me by my ankle. "What's your problem?" He took off his shirt.

"What you are doing?" I tried hard to push him. He tored his shirts into two. He tied my both hands and legs with separate. Then he lift bridal.

"Now, just shut up and come home"

"HOSEOK! LET. ME . GO. I'm not coming anywhere" I ordered him.

"Sigh... You hurting my ears" he growled at me.

"Just let me go then"

"I didn't came all this way to let you go"

"I can't with you guys anymore. Please understand" my voice lowered as I starts tearing. He sighed and didn't look at me anymore. He walked fast and reached the car.

I saw Namjoon and Taehyung near the car which they parked drive way near the mountain. Hoseok set me up on the back seat. Hoseok and namjoon joined my each side. As Taehyung took the driver seat. Namjoon took a tshirt from under the seat and tossed that to Hoseok. Hoseok weared that while thanking him.

I underestimated these guys. I huffed as I closed my eyes.

Is not much of the time. I just run from the house last middle night. And now before the sunset they taking me back to same house.

I know hybrid can smell well but not this much. Hoseok has best smelling scene among the boys. I thought my scent will vanish in air. But, Hoseok managed to catch on.

I reached the mountain after few minutes of sunrise. I barely made it to some cave that hidden under the rocks. I planned to go up after some rest. Because of my tiredness and my privious Ill made me sleep few more hours and wake up with Hoseok's face.

How I'm going to face them. They remind of my guilt and my past mistakes. My selfishness.

"Why?" They didn't react, I wiped my tears completely and looked at the three. Namjoon scrolling something in his mobile. Hoseok watching outside by window. Taehyung concertanted in his driving, the car still going on mountain roads. "Why did find me? You should have let me go. What? Do you guys want a free maid? You should can buy another slave from the shelter!" They still don't react my words. "Ahhh... You guys brought me by money. Fine. I will indebted to you. I will give back one day with interest. Now let me go" I give it go with cool voice. But, they still not care to react. "Taehyung. Stop now. I won't came with you"

I tried to open the door the Hoseok side. He grapped my both wrists, which is still tied by his shirt. namjoon pulled me by my waist.

"Y/n. Don't get wrong ideas. Let's talk about it in home" namjoon comfortably pulled me beside him and let me sit like that. Hoseok took my ankles and set in on his lap and continued to watch outside. Namjoon set his mobile screen front me, and start to watch some cat videos. I trapped in his hands. Taehyung still don't care about the scene behind him, and driving. I could see, the main road which is start from the mountain.

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