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Seokjin's pov

My head hurts, I groaned. Waking up with unpleasant ache is annoying. My body hurts too, but it wasn't that much noticable. I hugged pillow warm tightly, and pulled blanket to my neck. I rubbed pillow, it's soft and comfy. It's more like warm, like burning. I opened my eyes to see, my eyes burning, I couldn't open. But I sense, different place from my room. Room is bit dark, and small. It's like basement room. I saw y/n in my arm.

I shocked to see her. Her body mostly covered with old scars and on it new claws mark. Like mine. She blood dried on wounds. And she is burning. We both naked. Realisation hit me.

All I remember was, I couldn't control my anima insticts. So, I turned my eagle form. I flied around the near woods. Then I saw a rabbit. So, I hunted that one. I remember toring it's gut and eating. Later than, I couldn't remember any. That's not important now, I took y/n on my hand run to medical room. She is burning and her wounds deep.

"Jin!?" On my way, I saw hoseok. He shocked to see y/n in my hand naked, and wounded. "NAMJOON" he shouted namjoon's name as he followed me to medical room. "What's happened Jin? Did you attacked her?" He panicked. He took off his hoodie and throwed it me. He took y/n from me, I don't want to but me took her by force.


"Go Jin. You stink  with blood" He growled at me. Then I noticed me, yes I too covered with blood. I put hoodie and still followed them.

With Namjoon others came. They shocked to see me with blood. And then y/n. Hoseok put her on bed and checked her body. There is lot of claw marks.

"Y/N!" Jimin shocked more than others. He panicked, his heart beats faster. He cried, "y/n. What's happened to her? Oh god, she is burning. She is bleeding. Jin! Did you do this to her? How can you? Namjoon! Please save her. Hoseok please. Y/n. Y/n. Wake up please. Don't die." He rumpling, he crying. He shook y/n's unconscious body. I felt bad, I felt guilty.

"Jimin calm down" namjoon pulled him from y/n.

"Calm down. HOW THE FUCK I CAN CALM DOWN?" he shouted. Namjoon shocked by his reaction. Jimin is fluff ball, and cute. He never rised his voice against us.

"Be fucking quite for while" hoseok growled at him. "Jungkook, taehyung take him away from here. Yoongi can you bring warm water. Namjoon take Jin and ask him what's EXACTLY happened to her?" He cleaning wounds, because blood is dried. It's hard for him to clean. Taehyung and Jungkook pulled jimin with them who screaming at them to stop. Yoongi already gone to get water. Namjoon looked at me.

"I will answer here" namjoon looked at hoseok. Hoseok didn't react. He poured ethanol and wiped her face first.

"Tell me"

"I don't remember well. My last memory was hunting a rabbit and eating it. When I woke up, I saw y/n and I'm in her room" I panicked. What I'm done to her?.

"How is there?" He breathing to calm himself. I tried to remember her room, but I didn't notice. I shook my head. He let out sigh but it turned to be growl. "Go shower. Clean blood on your body first. I will go and check her room" I looked at y/n's body. Yoongi wiping her with cloths. More he remove the dried blood, I could see the fresh clawed wound. Hoseok's body hiding her upper part of body, he too wiping her with water.

I leave that room with namjoon. Then went to bathroom. I sat under shower, my body trembled. I killed lot of people before, but now it's scared me. I tored skin and their flushes into pieces, then drowned in their blood. We all are, but seeing her there with wounds made me go crazy and I scared. Her wounds are made me feel pain. The reason is me, I getting angry at me. I want to throw myself and hurt me more. My claws are to tig my own skin. I could feel pain, but I want to feel more. It's hurts me. It's hurts me to think, I hurt her.

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