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They are more than I thought.

The seven holding the power in the country. They did major part to getting their freedom. So, they most likely incharge.

They working hard for post freedom things. Appointing knowledged hybrids on higher positions and teaching the others.

Back than, hybrids not allowed to study. It's only possible, If the owners nice enough to teach them. Like I teached Manya. Because of my dad, few hybrids got chance to study. But, that's all just Blindfolded.

The truth is, my dad used to wear the mask. In public he acted like he is working hard for hybrid's rights. But, he is the one who watched hybrids secret moves and killed them. He had connections with higher authorities. The hybrids he brought to home back than was actually who involved with rebellion. he acted like he is helping them but he hand overed them to authorities. I don't remember, but Jimin is one of them, later Jimin escaped from them. That's where he made connection with Manya, who know how to read.

Manya, used to sneak in dad's office and collect the information. Then she will give them to Jimin, which part I helped her thought, she like jimin. I was fool, who brought snacks, drinks, and leaved them alone to get movement. Then Jimin is black fox, he can sneak in their house and tell them in night, or taehyung, and seokjin can sneak out and get information from Jimin. Jimin is spread the news to other hybrids. Namjoon, and yoongi held the most power in it. They ordered other hybrids, and secretly hired hybrids in the work. The reptiles and birds don't show much hybrid figure out side. So, it's easy for them to get jobs. That's how they took the plan longer about decade. Because of Manya's involvement, they easily known about the holes in system and in their plans, they made it correct and executed plan at the right time around the world. Seokjin is helped with foreign countries, he is the one who travelled around the World with his owner. Same for Jungkook too. Hoseok and taehyung took the part of make teach hybrids. The fund is came to all the way. Before they attack public, they took the military camps and presidental house. Then the public, this is followed all over world at the same time.

They only let the people live, who used by them and usefull for them. They are now slaves are pets to hybrids and few are living as strays.

It's the story of them. It's slow process and secrets. They took years to archive and used more brain in it. And here I'm who never acknowledged it, even it's involved with me too. And my closed one the one of it too.

If you're not acknowledged with things around you, you will Oneday wipe the floors like me too.

The three months passed like blink of eyes. They working to correct the systems right now. I working hard not get kicked out nor provoke them to kill me. Not once I seen Manya and mirae. I can only hear her name from others while they talking with eachother. I tried ask about them to seokjin, but I afraid. So, I abandoned that idea. I'm okey, as long as I know they are doing well. I just don't want to know about, how Manya treating Mirae. If these guys treating me like maid, there she will do Same too. That's what I can thought, I don't want imagine the day I meet Manya at shelter. If she is doing that to mirae, I can't help but mad at her and I never forgive her.

"What you're thinking about?" I heard jimin. I sighed at him, and continued to wipe windows. Jimin is the one who continued to check on me, what ever he doing and busy with. He will came straight to me soon as he arrive home. He slowly entered in my heart, because of it. I just don't want admit it.

After that our shared hot kissing session, he never tried to do that again. Not because he don't want to, because seokjin watching him closely. I don't know how he caught us, I just Guesses he may caught out Scents. Seokjin forbidden him came near me, but Jimin never listened him. So, taehyung and Jungkook are spy for him. Seokjin added extra lock in basement room, and closed every single holes expect windows. He warned taehyung not to help jimin. if ever Jimin bothered me, he told I can approach him. Others are against seokjin. because I here because of Jimin. So, jimin has all rights on me. But seokjin refused, because I'm under his name.

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