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"Jiminshiii... Don't. Make . It. Hard. For . Us." Jungkook grapped Jimin's waist and pulling him toward door.

"Nooooo....." Jimin grapped the bed's end and tight. Jimin want to sleep with me tonight. Saying may I'm Afraid to sleep alone. And he worried about me. I'm kinda afraid. But, don't want make it obvious. Also, sleeping with jimin is make me blush.

Our last time is really awkward and embressed situation. It's not mean, I didn't belive him. The problem is, I can't belive myself.

"Y/n! Say it" he looked at me with puppy eyes and pity. I couldn't resist his look. I nodded and looked at namjoon with so much expectation in my eyes. He turned his head, away from me. He is the soft one here, I found that few minutes before. He couldn't stand front of tears. And puppy eyes. Also, cute, little things. That's the main reason he keeping the three youngers, even though they are making so much troubles.

I grapped seokjin's hand who sitting beside me. 'please'  I mouthed to him. He shook his head.

"You need rest" he said with frustration. First I asked seokjin to stay with me. But, he refused, saying he need some more time and I he want to stay from me for little while. So, I didn't force him.

Everyone want to, let me sleep alone, thinking that, I want to be alone. But, I don't to be alone. I want atleast one stay with me.

'I'm afraid. Please atleast one stay with me'

I have to get used to this mouthing process. Without voice, I feel like death. I couldn't even say, what I want. Small words and they take some time to understand what I'm saying.

I can use my voice, it will me rough, studdering, and will compain with cough and pain. That's why, I avoid voicing.

"I don't have any good feeling, about Jimin staying with you." Seokjin swaying his hand to take jimin away while he distracted by me. And losing his grip.

"Hyung...! Jungkookkk.... Let me go" Jungkook successfully, took jimin away. No one willing to stay with me expect jimin. I whimpered at his voice. I looked at everyone, no one paying their attention to me.

I feel completely lost. I can't use my voice. Because of injury in ankle, I can't walk. And claws marks, buring whenever I tried to move. Namjoon excused himself and take seokjin with him. I don't know when taehyung leaved, yoongi isn't here for while. Hoseok checked IV one last time. And made sure, placing water bottle beside me.

"Do you want anything y/n?" Hoseok asked me, he looking for answer. So, he can leave. I looked at him pout and teary eyes. He gulped.

'Hoseok, please. I really afraid to stay alone'

I grapped his hand and looked at with expectation. Hoseok has sweet heart, convincing him is easy and sometimes it's hard. He didn't take too much to warm up with me. Making conversation with him is easier and fun to be with him. Whatever the stress, whenever with him they will be forgotten.

He let out a sigh with frustration. "Just let me change first. Okey?" He gave up. I smiled at him immediately, showing my all tooth. He chuckled and turned to leave the room.


I felt thirsty. But, I too lazy to wake up. And more importantly, I have to wake Hoseok. He is sleeping soundly, in other bed. I feeling guilty to wake him.

I already finished a bottle of water, few minutes ago. But, I still feel thirsty. And I also want to go bathroom too.

I sat up on the bed. I looked at Hoseok, he sleeping. No wavering eyelids, no movement at him. He must have to be tired. He even set alarm to check the IV. It's must be inconvenient. I really feel bad to wake him up. I set my foot on floor, slowly, not making any noise, as I'm still sitting on bed. I don't know why my heart beating this fast. I mean, I'm not doing anything bad, or something. But why, I'm scared to sneak out. I just want some water, and I don't want to wake him up. But, I feel guilty like doing something inappropriate.

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