'Does your tummy still hurt, noona?'

'No. I'm all good.' I smile at him, pinching his cheek a bit.

He looked at Jimin and then eyed his pancakes and got all excited. 'Jiminie hyung! I want those!' He tried to steal his pancake right out of his hand, and Jimin pretended to bite his hand, making him laugh hysterically

'You want noona to make you some?' I ask Yujin, seeing how he's drooling. I did make a ton as I knew he'd want some.

'Yes! Yes! I love you, noona!' This was fueled by nothing but his hunger, but it's still adorable

'Taking both of my sons?' Jimin's mom teases me

'I think I got one for free.' I joke along as Yujin won't let go of me, and it's almost strangling me with how tight he's hugging me around the neck.

'Which one?' His mom keeps laughing

'I'm trying to figure out myself.'

'Hey!' Jimin whines at me

'Let's run.' His mom was snickering at him, pulling me along to help me escape. I swear she is about the same age as all of us.

'Yujini, cutie, you want your pancakes?'

He was stuck to me, not letting go. Well, he did let go once he saw the food.

'Would you like some? I made tons.' I offer to his mom

'I wasn't hungry, but now that the entire house smells like them, it made me want to eat.' She laughed at herself and sat sat next to Yujin

I see where he gets his excitement from. They were both ready to eat the plate along with pancakes.

'Oh, wow.' He mumbled. 'These are amazing.' She genuinely meant it.

'Thank you.' I smile at her. 'I'm happy you like them.'

'I should be thanking you.' She smiles back at me

'It's only pancakes, so there's really no need to thank me.' I chuckle

'I meant Jimin. Thank you. Truly.' She got a bit more serious, but her face had some kind of gentle smile on. 'I can only assume you know what he's been through back when he was young.'

I nodded lightly, kind of looking down. I don't want to remind her of that.

'He has been through a lot, and it wasn't easy. He was forced to grow up a lot faster than most, and no matter how much I didn't want to do it, I put a lot of pressure and responsibility on him. He's been more of a parent to Yujin than I have.' She sounded almost ashamed. 'And because of all that, he didn't get to have a lot of experiences that other boys his age did. I was afraid I closed him off too much to everything, but then he met you. He has changed so much in the last few months, and I believe it's all because of you. He is so happy all the time. He smiles a lot more. He is more relaxed. He came out of his shell and is finally enjoying. And not just him. This little one here, too.' She smiled fondly at Yujin, who was chumming down his food without paying attention to us. 'Truly, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for making both of them happy.'

I feel like crying. I don't know where this is coming from, but I'm happy. 'I should be thanking you just the same, miss Lee. You've raised an incredible man. I can't even explain how much he's done for me.'

The look on her face, the way her eyes are holding some support of sad expressions while she trying to smile...

'You... know?'

She nodded, looking down. 'I overheard the two of you talking last night. It wasn't my intention whatsoever, but I heard a little bit. He didn't say a word to me, nor I would ever ask. But I kind of got the gyst of it.' She kept that tight smile. 'I think I get now why he's so protective of you. I suppose you have a lot more in common than I thought.'

'That is true. He is very protective of me.'

'Has it... has it always been like that? Your mom, I mean?' I suppose she is curious, and there's no reason to hide it now. Besides, if anyone understands, it's her. She's been through it.

'Yes. As I found out yesterday, every since I was a baby.' I admit

'Yesterday? Is that why you're with us?' She spoke quietly, trying not to get anyone's attention

'He kind of didn't leave me any choice and brought me here. My father, whom I haven't seen since I was 5, came back, and I found out a lot of new things and got overwhelmed. I'm sorry for using your house as an escape.'

'Don't be silly. You're more than welcome here, Angel. I'm just happy that you see our home as a safe space. If we can help, I'm more than happy to have you here.' She is way too kind

'Thank you, miss Lee. It's just... he's kind of my safe space. I never really had anyone who cares for me like he does. I feel awful that I run to him for everything bad that happens to me, but there's no one else who makes me feel safe.' I don't even know why I'm telling her this. It's just embarrassing.

'If you ever want to talk to someone other than him, I'll be here. I understand better than most, so I might be able to help. Please don't be shy to come to me, okay?' She was smiling kindly at me, gently putting her hand on mine to let me know that she means it

I'm not going to her. I'm already torturing him with all this. I'm not gonna do it to her as well, but I'm grateful to have the option. 'Thank you.'

Blush |BTS JIMIN HIGH SCHOOL FF|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora