I entered the room with the others already practicing their charms, Colin creevey floating, Neville on his nth attempt to cast the patronus charm and Hermione using stupefy once again at Ron, causing him to fly over across the room.

I walk to my friends; Dean, Seamus, Luna, and Cho. I greeted them with a subtle wave and a small smile on which they returned almost immediately.

We spent about half an hour trying to conjure the patronus charm, I succeeded first try. I was a falcon.

After that we headed back to our house common rooms as if nothing had happen, as if the secret association was merely but an imagination.


I sat on Defense Against the Dark Arts with umbridge upfront. Dean and Seamus wasn't in the same class as me, so are Luna, and cho, and Harry, and Hermione.

I sat by myself on a desk that was made for two people. Others might think of it as pathetic because no one wants to go near me, but I took it as a prize. After all, I get to have space twice as large as theirs.

Professor Umbridge started moving her mouth, discussing how dangerous magic would be if not properly learned, especially for students like us. It's the 4th times this week. I felt my tummy grumble, I gently placed my head down my desk and yawned as quietly as I could.

Painfully long minutes passed, umbridge still wasn't done with her mouth. Then, someone slightly barging in the classroom took our attention. We all looked back at the door simultaneously. It was Malfoy. His robe wasn't done right and necktie almost loose.

"Reason for your few minutes of absence, Mr. Malfoy?" Umbridge ask a few moments later.

We all looked at Malfoy, he was panting, seems like he's been running.

"I'm sorry, Professor. Goyle needed me to catch a first year trying to sneak into the library's restricted section" he quickly answered and started fixing his appearance.

Umbridge nodded "take a seat," she pointed my direction "beside Ms, Weasely"

Malfoy looked at me then another curve formed the corner of his lips.

Out of all people to arrive late and have my precious throne taken away, why does it have to be him? Does the universe hate me that much?

Not long after, Malfoy sat beside me, placing his things on the ground and dusted his robe. He looked at me, I was looking at him.

"You should focus on the lesson rather than me, Weasley" he said, not looking at me.

"Don't flatter yourself, Malfoy" I replied.

The lesson went on. It was all fun and games until Professor Umbridge decided to bring up her speculation about the so called secret association Harry was doing.

I was the only one in class who was part of the DA so I tried to put on a facade to not have anyone notice. Unfortunately, someone did, someone I least wanted to.

The Professor walked my way and ask me to stand up. I obliged.

"Have you any idea of the said association, miss weasely?" She ask.

I shook my head. "No, professor."

"Class dismissed," Professor Umbridge mildly yelled, her gaze not leaving me.

"Except for Miss Weasley and Mr Malfoy"

Malfoy stopped collecting his things and walked behind the professor

"For what am I needed for, professor?" He ask.

Umbridge's glance never left my face, not even for a split second.

"Go ask Professor Snape for some Veritaserum" she commanded.

I can see from behind her that Malfoy's eyes widen.

Here we go, her favorite potion. Veritaserum. Is it her hobby to invade people's personal information? Was she that eager to have someone tell her the truth when she's not even sure that they're not even lying? Also, why Snape? Can she not make her own potion?

She was still looking at me, her eyes are almost burning embers, her face as pink as her outfit. It fits.

I wondered, what was it she'll do if she succeeded to have me consume the serum? For sure my siblings, and Harry, and the others would think of me as I traitor and willingly exposed the DA's location.

My heart beat accelerates and my palms were sweaty, I was trying my best to look as normal as I could to not give her any more suspicions that I was lying.

"Professor Snape had said earlier that he'd ran out of veritaserum, professor," Malfoy intruded with my thoughts. Umbridge glance left me as he turn to Malfoy.

"Making the potion will take a few days, I'll keep an eye on Weasley if I'm needed to, professor" Malfoy stated. My heart dropped, no way he's using the situation against me.

"Very well," Umbridge said, dusted her outfit and turned his heel and walked in her office.

Malfoy and I watched as she left.

As the door shut close I immediately turned my gaze at Malfoy who was already looking at me

"Guess I'll be taking care of you now, Weasley" he was grinning that the end of his lips might just reach his ear. It pisses me off so bad.

I looked at him, my eyes blazing embers. He looked back. A few moments later I turned around and fixed my things aggressively. I walked out the classroom and slammed the door shut with a flick of my wand.


I entered my dorm throwing my bag to the ground and flopping down on my bed. Cho and Luna looked at each other, then, looked at me.

"What happened?" Luna's voice was soft.

"Malfoy's at it again" I muffled, my face on the bed.

They paused and looked at each other again. Waiting for me to elaborate what had happened.

I rolled around and laid down on my bed. My limbs spreading apart from each other. "He bloody told professor Umbridge that he'll be on the look out for me" I said, huffing.

"She agreed?" Luna said, with a soft voice again.

I jolt up and sat up the bed " 'course she did! She liked making my life miserable"

I groaned and let my body fall on the bed again.

He could've suggested that he'd have the others have a look out on me since he's the head of the inquisitorial squad anyway, but no, he had to do it himself. What do you want from me, Draco Malfoy!

Cho sat beside me, gently caressing my hair and quietly giggled "didn't he used to protect you from bullies back at 1st to 4th year?"


"Run, Weasley! Run!" A boy in a Gryffindor winter robe shouted, throwing huge snowballs to a girl with brunette curls.

The girl used her book to shield herself but it almost had no effect. There's 3 of them and only one of her. She thought to herself and repeatedly ask herself what had she done to her to make them feel that much disdain against her. All she did was be saved by a family that she once had no idea who and now she calls family. Was being saved that much of a sin?

The girl would weakly shout at the Gryffindor students to stop. The action wasn't the one that hurt her, no. The one that did, was the reason to why they were doing it.

"Quit it" a voice of a boy. Then, the Gryffindor gals would run off, hurrying like a rat seeing a cat.

The girl looked up and saw a figure of a boy who looked like he was the same age as her reaching his hand out to her. She took it then the boy carefully pulled to have her back on her feet.

The girl examined the rather familiar person who saved her from the bullies. He's got a platinum blonde hair, bluish grey eyes, pale skin that was almost as light as the snow. She knew him alright. Draco Malfoy.

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