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When I woke up the next morning I was confused as to why I was on the couch, but then I remembered that me and dad fell asleep watching movies last night. I heard clattering come from the small kitchen in the bus, and saw that dad was trying to find something. 

"What are you doing?" I asked him. "I can't find my Nutella." He complains. I laugh a little and walk over to the counters where a bottle of Nutella was sitting in plain sight. "If it was a snake, it would of bit you." I told dad as I gave him it. 

"Thanks. You feeling better?" He asked me as he sat down next to me on the couch. "I don't know. At least I'm not as tired." "That's good. Kara, we have a show tonight, and I want you stay with us at all times, okay? I know you like wandering around, but I want to make sure you are safe." "Yeah, I wasn't going to tonight, I don't really want to leave the bus if I'm honest." I told him as I laid my head on his shoulder. "I'm so sorry that this happened to you. I shouldn't have let you go out alone." Dad told me putting his arm around my shoulders. "It's not your fault dad. I should have waited for you." "How about we don't blame ourselves we blame the guy who did this to you." "I like that plan." "I swear if I ever meet that guy I will f****** kill him." he said as he pulled me closer to him and kissed the top of my head. 

"OK, that's it what is going on! You said wait until I was sober and I am, so spill." Sebastain said getting out of his bunk and also making the both of us jump because we didn't know he was awake. "Sebastain! Why did you have to ruin their moment! It was adorable!" Emerson yelled from his bunk with his phone aimed at us so he could take a picture. "Seriously Emerson?" I asked him. "Send me the photo!" Dad told him. "Will do." 

"Explain now." Sebastain said. Emerson hopped down from his bunk and came over to me and dad. "You know you don't have to. If you don't want to that's okay me and rem will stand by your decision." "It's okay, Em. He should know." 

"The other night after the show when you guys were doing the VIP, and I was going back to the bus, a guy out of nowhere grabbed me and he beat me up and gagged me so I couldn't scream and then he, he raped me." I told him as quickly as possible not wanting to hear the words myself. Sebastain's face turned pale for a moment, then angry, then worried. "So that's why you were crying, and you had that nightmare." He said. I nodded my head slightly. "I'm so sorry I shouldn't have pushed you the way that I did." He said giving me a hug. "I warned you." Dad said to him in a snarky voice. 

"Have you guy thought about, she could be pregnant?" Sebastain asked us. "No, we haven't s***. Your right she could be pregnant." Dad said you could visibly see he was panicked and worried. "Guys, before you have a heart attack it isn't possible." I told him. They looked at me confused for minute. "How can you be so sure that you aren't pregnant?" "Think it through for a moment." "I don't get it." Emerson almost whined out. "It's seriously not that hard. I just haven't ever had that wonderful time of the month yet." I told them as vaguely as possible. 

"Now, off those topics, Dad can I dye my hair?" I asked him. I have wanted to dye my hair for a while now but Ms. Perkins. "What color?" "Red." "Okay, lets go!" He said running off the bus. "Dad, can't you wait until I change my clothes!? I'm still in my clothes from yesterday!" "Well then hurry up!" He said. "I think he is more excited than you are." Emerson said. "You think?" I said sarcastically. "Yes, I think!" He said grabbing me and tickling me. "DAD! Save me!" I yelled out between laughs. "Why?" "Because if you don't then it will be even longer until we dye my hair." I said. That worked well. Dad tackled Emerson while I escaped to the bathroom with a new set of clothes. 

 When I came out, I saw Emerson and Dad still wrestling. How they can wrestle each other in such a small place goes beyond me. "Dad come on, let's go!" I said as I hopped off the bus.  He quickly came out. "There is a hair salon a few blocks away, within walking distance." "Which way?" I asked. "Well, that's not helpful!" "What?" I asked grabbing his phone where the directions were displayed on the screen. "It just says that we need to go up two streets and across one. What's the problem?" "It doesn't say which way is the way to the salon." I was confused until I saw that the directions said that we need to go east. "I don't have a compass! How am I supposed to know which way is east!" 

I rolled my eyes and gave him back his phone. "Come on." I said walking down the street. "How do you know if this is the right way?" He asks me. "Just trust me." I told to him. 

When we finally got there, I told the stylist what hair I wanted. It took a little while for my hair to be dyed mostly because I have super thick hair. I wish I brought my book. I thought to myself. I was currently re-reading the Lord of the Rings for about the twentieth time. What can I say, I'm a Lord of the Rings nut. 

Hmm, I need to play that game with them and see what happens. I thought thinking about my limited-edition Lord of the Rings trivia game. 

Finally, once the timer was up and the dye was rinsed out of my hair, the stylist took me back to the mirror where she dried and styled my hair. When I saw myself in the mirror, after she turned the chair around, I absolutely loved it! 

My Hair

I walked back out to the lobby/waiting room, where Dad was waiting for me, looking at something on his phone

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I walked back out to the lobby/waiting room, where Dad was waiting for me, looking at something on his phone. 

"So, what do you think?" I asked him. "It looks beautiful. Red hair definitely suits you." He said giving me a smile and a hug. "I'm starting to get hungry. What do you say we go out for lunch before we got and show your uncles your awesome hair." 

We decided to go to a restaurant that was close by. It was an Asian restaurant, which I was happy about because I haven't had Asian for a while, and I love it. Dad was boring and got chicken fried rice and chow mien, while I got a stranger dish. I got spicey catfish, and side dish that had eel and more catfish. 

When the food came, Dad tried a bit of my catfish before drinking his entire glass of water, which was hilarious. "How can you eat that!? It's so spicey!" "That would be why it's called Spicey Catfish." I said as I took a bite from the catfish, without scrambling for water like Dad. 

"I still don't get how you ate that." Dad said to me as we walked back to the bus after lunch. "One of these days we really need to have a pepper eating contest." I said. "If you can convince Sebastain and Emerson, fine." He told me. 

So of course, when we got back to the bus I immediately went to Emerson and Sebastain to convince them to do a pepper eating contest. It wasn't easy all I had to do was say that it would be fun watching Dad trying to eat anything hotter than a jalapeno. They also thought my hair looked good on me. 

That night they didn't have a show, and so it led to Sebastain and Andrew getting drunk, Emerson joining in a little before going to his bunk and drawing until he eventually fell asleep.

Me and Dad cuddled in his bunk watching odd shows that we liked until I fell asleep on him. That night I didn't have any nightmares and actually slept in late the next morning. 

Over the next few weeks t became increasingly tired and I couldn't wait until I was back home in my own room. I also couldn't sleep most nights and would wake up in the middle of the night screaming, while Dad would come and lay me down in his bed holding me until I calmed down and singing me to sleep. I could tell he was becoming more and more worried about me but I just kept  assuring him I was okay, and I was, and I will be okay as long as I have him, Emerson, and Sebastain to protect me. I trust them. I know that they will always be there for me. 

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