Morning Light

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The next morning, I was woken up by yelling coming from downstairs. As I fully opened my eyes and looked at my surroundings, I realized I was in my room, I guess one of them must have carried me. 

I quickly changed out of my clothes from yesterday into a black sweater and grey leggings, I know it's probably not common to wear sweaters in California, but they are sooo comfortable! I walked downstairs but before I even got to the bottom step, I saw smoke coming out from the kitchen! 

I walked as quickly as I could without running into the kitchen and saw that on the stove there was a towel on fire with oil pouring onto it, smoke was coming from the toaster, and they are all running around looking for a fire extinguisher. I raised my eyebrows looking at the scene, they still haven't noticed that I am standing here yet, so I started looking through the cupboards looking for some baking soda and finally found some above the sink in the cupboards and threw it onto the stove where the fire was, effectively smothering the fire and making it die down. 

"How about you get out of the kitchen before you completely blow it up!?" I loudly asked them. "And I someone who actually knows what they are doing in the kitchen will cook." I continued. "But..." Remington started. "No ifs ands or buts OUT!" I said showing them from the kitchen. 

I quickly got to work seeing what they had for food before settling on making some bacon, eggs, and waffles, along with some strawberries. Soon all the food had been cooked and I was almost ready to set the table. The table was quickly set with different toppings for the waffles in their own little bowls. There was Nutella, blueberries, chocolate, syrup, whipped cream, and pecans (the pecans mostly for me.) Once I was sure that the table looked good, I called them all into the dining room for breakfast. 

"See this is an example of the way food is supposed to look like. Not on fire!" I said when they all came in before I sat down at my seat. "How did you do this!? You finished in less than an hour!" Sebastian asked me while Remington stood there looking like if his eyes got any bigger, they would pop out of his head, Emerson just stood there next to Remington with a smile on his face and his arms crossed. "It's not hard if you have been doing this for 4 years." I told them putting pecans into each individual hole. "What do you mean?" Emerson asked sitting down next to me. "Well Ms. Perkins didn't have a lot of help especially in the morning and she was always really busy in the morning, so I just started cooking for the kids and it just kind of stuck and became a habit." I said shrugging it off like it was nothing. "Why?" Remington asked me while spreading Nutella on his waffle "Why, what?" I asked. "Why would you do that?" "Because before I started cooking all we would eat is cereal, toast, or pop tarts for breakfast and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch, and most times nothing for dinner unless we ordered take out. So, once I learned the basics of cooking, I just made my mind up to do it. I didn't care anyways the worse thing was getting up early in the winter because it was always cold." I told him. "Wait I just did the math you were doing this when you were nine!?" Sebastain exclaimed. "Yeah, so? I did much harder jobs then cooking when I was younger than that." "What do you mean?" Remington asked me. "Nothing important. Besides can we not make breakfast time interrogation time?" I asked eating a piece of bacon. 

They all got the not-so-subtle hint and stopped asking questions and just started eating their food. 

"Remember we are going shopping today so make sure that you know everything you are going to need." Remington told me switching the subject. "Don't worry I already have a list in my head." I said tapping my head.

After breakfast the guy cleaned up not letting me help at all insisting that since I made breakfast that they would clean it all up. Although I do have a feeling, they are going to break something. It took an hour, but we were soon all in the car me and Emerson sitting in the back while Sebastian drove, and Remington sat in the passenger's seat. 

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