No love in LA

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It was almost three weeks until my leg was completely healed again and let me tell you it was torture! I couldn't go anywhere! It is summer why are you keep a kid trapped inside of a house!? 

But finally, after three years oh I mean weeks, I was finally allowed to go outside again. In fact, today Dad is taking all of us to the beach! We planned to leave by nine and spend the whole day there having a picnic for lunch and going to a restaurant for dinner. It is now 9:21 and we still haven't left! I knew we should have started getting Emerson up at midnight! He still hasn't gotten out of bed and we are all waiting on him. Larisa got here at 8:30 and Grandma wasn't far behind. Shy finally got here at 8:52 because she forgot to set the alarm, now all we need is a certain someone to get his butt out of bed put some clothes on and get in the car!

We have tried everything to get him up and all he does is threaten to kill us and tell us to F off. Shy tried the kissing method, Dad and Sebastain have tried the being loud and annoying method (They got pillows thrown at them.) Larisa threatened to hide away his art supplies, Grandma used the "I'm your mother and you do what I say." card, and nothing has worked. There is one last method which I am getting ready to do any minute now if he doesn't get up in the next five seconds. 

I finally had enough and apparently I am the only one who can be mean when I have too. So here I was carrying a large bowl of water and ice up the stairs. "Kar, what are you doing with that?" Dad asked me when he saw me walking up the stairs with it. "Getting Emerson up, because none of you are capable." I answered. He looked at me for a second before smiling and running into the kitchen and came back with extra cup filled ice and water also. I smiled back at him before I continued to Emerson's room where he was still in bed. I glanced at Dad and signaled for him to go on one side while I went on the other. 

"You really do look like Loki with smile you know." Dad whispered to me. "I know. It's why it was one of my many nicknames back at the orphanage."  I whispered back. "Now poor the water on him as quickly as possible then run for your life." I told him. 

I started counting down from three and we both dumped the ice-cold water onto his head before running as fast as we could out of his room and down the stairs. From upstairs we could hear Emerson yelling and cussing. When we got into the kitchen and set our water weapons down, we both let out I breath that I didn't even know that I was holding before we looked at each other and started laughing hysterically and giving each other a high five. 

"What is going on!?" Grandma asked as we basically fell into the living room where everyone else was still laughing so hard that neither of us could breathe. "Em- Ice - Water-" I breathed out between laughs. But before she could say anything Emerson came downstairs drenched. Me and Dad stopped laughing for a minute with a few giggles escaping until we looked up at him and saw how wet he was and started laughing even harder. 

"I am going to kill you two." Em growled out. "They wouldn't have done it if you had just gotten up." Sebastain said also trying not to laugh. "Just go get dressed Emerson, and maybe next time actually get up before this happens again." Grandma told him. Emerson walked away grumbling under his breath. Once he was back upstairs, we all looked at each other for moment before laughing all together. 

"You should have seen his face when we poured the water on him!" I laughed out. 

We finally had reduced ourselves to giggles by the time Emerson came back downstairs ready to go to the beach. Every time he heard a giggle though he would turn around and give a death glare to whoever did it, which just caused us to laugh even more. 

"Are we going to the beach or not?" He asked us still annoyed from being woken up by ice water. "Yeah, we're coming." Seb said. 

Seb, Larisa, and Grandma got into Sebastians car, while Dad, Shy, Emerson, and I got in Dad's car. Dad drove while Shy was talking to a still grumbling Emerson in the back seat while I went through songs on my phone, until I had enough of listening to Emerson and turned on my playlist at max volume. I turned shuffle on and the first song that came on was Andy's song Drown me out which on my favorites. 

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