Ma Cheri

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The next morning, I woke up late from staying up late last night at the party. As I laid in bed all the memories of the night before came running back to me.  From pranking Dad and my uncles to me and Hunter kissing outside the school. I fiddled with my crown while I thought about Hunter, examining every curve and stone, every engraving and point, until my thoughts were interrupted by someone knocking on my door. 

"Come in." Dad then entered my room and sat down beside me. "Two questions. What's that? And why were you acting like you were either drunk or drugged when you came home? Larisa and Shy told me to talk to you about it but that you were defiantly not drunk. It got confusing so explain please?" 

"Both your questions, are really only one." I told him still looking at the crown. "Well that really cleared everything up thank you for that." He said sarcastically. I set the crown down carefully, back on my nightstand. "Don't worry Dad I wasn't drunk or drugged." "Then what was it?" "Take a guess." "Well, it has to do something with that crown right?" "Yes and no." "Will you tell me what the crown is for?" 

"I won the Sally award last night." "Which is?" "Basically, it is prom queen, but Halloween." "Who was the king?" "Hunter won the Jack award." "Why are they called the Sally and Jack awards?" "Think it through dad." I told him. It was silent for a minute until we figured it out. 

"The Nightmare before Christmas? That is actually kind of clever but also funny. Also, this doesn't explain anything." "He asked me out yesterday." "Say what! Nope, no way. He isn't taking my daughter away from me yet. New rule no dating until you're fifty." "DAD! I'm not waiting until I'm fifty! Besides you have already met Hunter and you yourself said that you liked him." "Thirty?" "Dad, I'm fifteen almost sixteen, I am old enough to go on a date." "Do you have to though?" "Dad!" "Fine, you can go on a date with him." He finally relented. "Thank you. Now go away I told him I would call when I woke up." 

He reluctantly left, and before I called Hunter I texted Shy and Larisa.

Bold - Kara 

Bold Italic - Larisa 

Italics - Shy 

Can you guy do me a favor?

What is it, sweetie? 

Sure, of course I can.

You seriously don't even want to know what she is having us do?

Not really I trust my niece, don't you?

Guys! I really need your help!

What is it? 

I told my dad about Hunter asking me out, and I need you to keep him busy and have your eyes on him at all times, because if you don't I'm pretty sure he will be stalking me.

Will do. Shouldn't be that hard. 

Have you met Remington?

Yup, dangle nutella in front of him and he'll do anything. 

True. You got my help, Kar. 

Thank you!

I then called Hunter, I will spare you all the details, of it but we figured out when and where our date was going to be. He was going to take me to the zoo/aquarium because I love animals, then out for dinner, but he did say he had a surprise for me after dinner. I don't know where he is taking me, except he told me it was one of his favorite places to go. I couldn't wait for Saturday.


Hunter picked me up at ten, I had already been up for four hours trying to find the perfect outfit to wear. I did finally one, my black ripped jeans, my black shirt that had skulls, ravens and roses on it, my black converse and leather jacket that I always wear. 

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