That's Christmas To Me

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A/N Since there aren't any Palaye Royale songs that are Christmas songs, I just went with one of my favorite Christmas songs. 

It was two weeks after the party the whole house had been decorated, and I somehow had bought gifts for Dad, Emerson, and Sebastian in time. Dad and Emerson were easy to shop for, but it was a little challenging to shop for Sebastian. 

Last night I got little to no sleep, but could you blame me? It was Christmas Eve! 

I slowly got out of bed getting dressed and putting on my locket that my biological dad gave to me the last Christmas we would ever have together again. I have always kept it safe and only wear during holidays or days when I especially miss him. I open the locket and look at the picture of a five-year-old me with him holding me as we pose for a picture in the snow near our house. "I miss you dad." I whispered looking at the picture, hoping that up in heaven he would hear me. 

I wiped away the stray tear on my cheek and put on my happy face before going downstairs where I saw Sebastian have asleep on the couch while Emerson and Dad where being silly and dancing around to the Christmas they had playing. 

"Hey, she's awake! Merry Christmas, Karla." Dad said as he pulled me into a hug. "Merry Christmas, Kar." Emerson said giving me a hug after Dad. 

"He does know that Christmas is the time for fun and family, right? Not to be sleeping!" I said pointing at Sebastian who laid on the couch before shouting the last bit in his ear, which caused him to shoot up and almost hit my head with his, and Emerson and Dad to start laughing at Sebastians surprised expression. 

"Seriously?" He asked glaring at me. "Merry Christmas, Seb." I told him smiling the most innocent smile I could. He let out a sigh before hugging me and saying to me smiling, "Merry Christmas, and don't start using that look too often or you might wear the effect out." "That's not possible." I told him getting up from the couch and going to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. 

When I came back to the living room, they were all sitting on the floor in front of the Christmas Tree talking together. I sat down between them while sipping my tea. "I haven't seen that before." Emerson said to me pointing at my locket. "I try not to wear too much." I told him trying to avoid him asking questions. "Why not? It's cute. It's a locket, right? Who gave you it?" He asked me. I did not want to talk about this right now, so I told him, "It's none of your business." with a slight edge to my voice. 

I could tell that I hurt him a little from my tone, but I hate talking about my locket. "I'm sorry, Em. I just don't like talking about it." I apologized. "It's alright." He said holding me close to him before looking at Dad and saying to him while smiling "I'm stealing your daughter, she's mine now." "What! No, she's, my daughter!" He said sending a joking glare over to Emerson. "Why don't we let her decide." Emerson suggested. I looked at Dad and smiled what my friends called my Loki smile at him before saying, "I don't know Dad. I pretty comfortable where I am." Dad then let out a dramatic gasp before holding his hand to his chest before dramatically falling down and saying loudly "Betrayal! I was betrayed by my own daughter! How can I live now, knowing she chose her uncle over her own father?" 

We all started laughing at Dad's dramatics. After we had stopped my phone made the notification sound for when I was tagged, so I looked at it wondering what it was and saw it was a video of the whole thing that Sebastian posted on his Instagram! "Seriously, Sebastian!? Why were you filming the entire thing?" I asked him, showing Dad and Emerson the video. "Because it was hilarious!" Sebastian said laughing a little.

"Are we going to have breakfast or open presents first? " I asked them. "I say presents!" Dad said grabbing presents from under the tree. "Well, I guess that's decided then." Emerson said as Sebastian joined Dad in grabbing presents and sorting them out for each person. I did find it funny the two oldest where more excited than me and Emerson who were just sitting watching them and waiting patiently until they had finished. 

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