You are enough

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I slammed my pen down on the desk frustrated. Why is this so hard? Our homework this week for music class was to write a song that is personal to you and then present it to the class on Friday. It doesn't matter if you have music for it or not, but you do have to write the lyrics to the song, and I am struggling big time!

"Are you still working on that project?" Dad asked from the doorway with a jar of Nutella (shocker.) "Yeah, I didn't think it would be so hard though." "Well, what is it?" He asked coming into the room and sitting on my couch thingy where I read my books by the window. "We have to write a song personal to us for music class and present it on Friday. It has never been this hard for me to write before." "Well, did you try to think of a memory or something like that for the song?" "Yeah, I have tried every technique I can think of and it still blank." "Hmmm. ANDY!" He yelled. "Why are you calling for Andy?" I asked him confused. "He might be able to help. He has different ways of writing that I haven't heard of before maybe it will work for you." 

"Yes, Remi?" Andy asked appearing in the doorway. "Help Kar." Dad told him before shoving another spoonful of Nutella in his mouth. "What's up, Lil' bat?" He asked sitting down next to me on the extra desk chair. "Can you help with my music project. We need to write a song and I can't come up with anything." "Is there anything specific that the song should be about?" "Not really. It just needs to be personal to us." "Well, have you thought of some of things you've gone through. I mean no offence, but you definitely have a past and a story to tell." "None taken, and I have everything is too depressing and I don't know what else to write." "What about this? Why don't you write something that you would say to someone who has gone through what you have? Make it encouraging and hopeful but it will also tell your story." He told me. I thought silently for a moment before realizing I now had plenty of lyrics running through my head. "Okay I think I've got it. Thank you, Andy!" I said and gave him a hug. "Your welcome Kara." he told me and him and Dad left the room. 


I bounced down the stairs hours later and it was already really late, but everyone was still awake, they were actually in the living room watching a movie or something. "It's finished!" I announced striking a dramatic pose. "Can we hear it?" Dad asks. Seb and Em looked confused though. Probably because I haven't told them what I was doing. "Hear what?" Seb asks. "We had to write a personal song for music class." I said. 

I went and sat down at the piano. It's basically tradition that whenever a new song is written we play it on the piano for everyone else to hear. I started playing the intro to the song. I know that it was optional to write the actually music for the song but I had too! It part of who I am. 

You see that glass half empty each time you look in mirror. 

It's like the more you're trying your flaws start showing up clearer. 

You bleed emotion so devoted to what people say. 

So sick of hoping so you focus on all your mistakes.

Stop changing there's nothing to fix when life's a war for you.

That's when your pulse becomes the proof.

When you're a little messed up. 

When you're a little unwell.

And nobody understands that you are going through hell.

Right here like this. 

Right now, you are enough. 

When you've been broken and bruised because the past has been tough. 

Being human is what makes you something worthy of love.

Right here this sick.

Right now, you are enough.

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