Dead to Me

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The last week of the trip passed quickly, a little too quickly for my liking and we were now all heading home. Dad and Andy on the second to last day announced that they were dating and that Andy had rented an apartment in LA to be closer to Dad, and so that he could work with his band more. 

Although I think I could honestly spend forever in Jasper I was also happy to be going back home. I missed my friends, Hunter, and Pepper and Mishka (Who were staying with Grandma while we were on vacation.). 

I once again fell asleep during the flight and only woke up from Dad gently shaking my shoulder saying that we had landed. We had gotten a later flight in the afternoon so we wouldn't have to be getting up early, so when we finally got back to the house it was already dark out. We dropped Sebastain and Larisa off at their house and Shy off at hers before we went and got takeout for dinner and headed home. Andy was staying with us until he had his apartment furnished and what not. 

That night I trudged up the stairs back to my room tired from the plane ride even though I slept and there isn't really a huge time difference. I had already texted all my friends that I was home and so tomorrow we all were going to the beach together. Although Meg was acting weird when I called her the night before last. I'm sure it's nothing though. Right? 

The next day I got up and was ready to go at around 10:00. James and Meg came and picked me up close to that time but it was odd that Hunter didn't because he was also coming with us. We went and picked Vee, Alex and Jason up and while we did that I got a text from Hunter. 

Italics Karla 

Bold Hunter

Hey, sorry but I'm not going to be able to make it today. My mom's having me help my dad with some yardwork. 

Oh, maybe we can meet up later this week then?

Yeah, for sure. 

Good I've missed you. It feels like we haven't seen each other in ages. 

I know, but later this week we'll go out. Anyways I got to go. Dad's calling me. 

That was weird usually his family just calls a gardener to come clean their yard. I wonder why they are having Hunter do it now. That is very strange. 

"Hey, Hunter just texted me. He said that he's not going to be able to make it today." "Strange. He said last night that he would come with us. Did he say why?" James asked. "He said that his mom was having him, and his dad clean up the yard." "I thought they had a gardener?" Alex asked. I only shrugged my head in response. 


"Have you noticed how Meg has been acting?" I asked Vee as we walked laid on the sand getting a suntan while the others were either walking down the beach or in the water. "Yeah, it's kind of weird. -" "-HEY MEG!" She called to our friend that was sitting on the edge of the water. 

"What is it, Veronica?" She asked as she jogged up to us. "Why have you been so odd lately?" she asked bluntly but that's Vee for you. Meg froze in place when Vee said that though. "What do you mean? I'm acting like I always do." She said but her body stance was suspicious. 

"Okay what's going on? You know something don't you?" I asked her. "Fine! Ido know something. Alright. But I don't think you would want to know though." "Meg. Just tell us what is it?" Instead of saying anything she pulled out her phone and showed us a picture.

A picture of Hunter kissing someone. And the girl wasn't me. 

"Meg, what is this? Who is this?" Vee asked her. I just turned my head away. I didn't want to see that picture anymore. I can't believe he did this to me. This is why he did come with us today because he was hanging out with her. Whoever her is. 

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