Little Bastards

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Ps I have changed their ages so they are in high school now. Kara is now fifteen and Hunter is sixteen

Me, V and Meg laughed as we ran through the mall together.

We were supposed to be shopping for Halloween costumes together with Hunter, Jason, Alex, and James but it quickly became a game of hide and seek tag that was boys vs girls. So right now, we were running away from Jason and Hunter who saw us in one of the shoe stores. 

We were trying to dodge people and carts as we ran away from them trying to lose them. We turned the corner and ran into the build a bear store as they guys ran pass us. After we were sure they were gone we started laughing together, but a little to loud because one of the employees was came over and told us nicely to quite down. "Sorry." I apologized to her. She was a woman that looked like she was in her twenties with a kind face and didn't seem to mad at us. "Playing tag through the mall." She asked with a smile on her face. "Yeah, hide and seek tag." "I hope you are having a fun time doing that, I remember when me and friends did that it was such a blast." She told me before her boss called her back to the counter. 

"Ooh! I have an idea! What if we all got matching bears for our Halloween costumes!?" Meg asked. I looked over at Vee and smiled to her knowing it might take some convincing to have her join in. "Fine! That does kind of sound like fun." She said giving us a smile. We ran off to the wall were they had their unstuffed animals and we each chose a bear, I got a black one, Meg got a brown one, and Vee got a white one. We then stuffed them and got each of our bears a vampire outfit. 

I found it funny that we had decided to dress as vampires when my dad's nickname is the vampire. We tried to convince the boys to be vampires with us, but they decided to be zombies, which worked I guess they were both supernatural creatures. 

When we named them, I chose Vlad, Meg chose Edward, and Vee chose Vamp. When we walked out of the store we all found ourselves picked up off the ground. "We win!" I heard Hunter shout from behind me. Jason had picked up Meg, Alex had Vee, Hunter was holding me, and James was taking a video of the whole ordeal. 

"But look what we got." I said after Hunter put me down again and held up the box that had Vlad inside. We all got out our vampire bears and showed them. "You guys got stuffed vampire bears, seriously?" James asked. "They have zombie outfits too." I suggested. The next thing that happened was James pulling Alex, Hunter, and Jason into the store as they laughed at their friend. 

"James really is your brother isn't he?" I asked Meg laughing. (If I haven't told you yet, James and Meg are twins.) "Yup, if only he could act like that all the time though." She said which made us all laugh again.

After the guys came out with their bears, we gathered all our bags and went back to Hunter's car. "I was surprised there were still good costumes left considering we decided to go shopping last minute." Vee said as we put everything in the trunk of Hunter's car. "Last minute more like last second!" Alex said. He wasn't wrong either, today was Halloween and we only had four hours before we were going to be at the Halloween costume party at school. 

With that in mind when they dropped me off at my house, I ran upstairs to start getting ready. I had called Larisa and Shy to help me with my hair and makeup because I didn't want anyone else seeing me before I was done. After I took a shower and blow-dried my now black hair (I re-dyed it for my Halloween costume) put on some junkier clothes and waited in my room for Larisa and Shy. 

I soon heard the front door open and close and a knock on my bedroom door. When I opened it, I almost got knocked over by Shy because she went over to where I had hung up my costume. "This is beautiful! I can do a lot of different things with the make up because of the colors." The dress was a black and red dress. They quickly got to work on my hair and makeup. The hair was harder and I'm sure that I won't be able to get the accessories out easily, and the make-up took a while before Shy finished. After they finished, they shooed me into my bathroom to put on my costume, before they did the finishing touches of jewelry and accessories. 

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