Live Like We Want To

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Trigger Warning/ Panic Attack.

"So, I was thinking that today we would have some friends and family over to meet you finally." Remington told me as we ate breakfast. "How many friends and family?" I asked him cautiously. "Not too many just close friends and my mom." "So, is that were Emerson and Sebastian went?" I asked him. I noticed that when I got up, they weren't inside the house and Sebastian's car was gone from the driveway. "Yeah, they went to get supplies for tonight." "When are they all coming?" I asked him. " 'round four, I guess. At least that's when my mom will be here. Full warning, she has been waiting ever since we adopted you to meet you so she might be a little excited." He told me. "Umm, I don't think I have anything nice to wear tonight." I told him. Dressing nice when meeting new people is a must for me if they are important people. "Don't worry I was going to take you shopping today after breakfast." He told me with a grin on his face. We both quickly learned when we went shopping for things for my room that we both have very similar taste, love shopping, and can be complete goofballs shopping too and we never get tired because we were having too much fun together and making Sebastian go crazy trying to control us a little (He never could.)

After we had finished up breakfast we got into his car and Remington started driving us to mall as we both sung along to the music playing from the stereo. When we got to the mall we immediately went to a dress shop that Remington said would probably have a perfect dress for me. I walked around the store looking at the dresses while Remington was pulling out different dresses that he thought I would like. 

I was starting to wonder if I would ever find a dress that I loved until Remington called me over to were he was and pointed at one of the most beautiful dresses I had ever seen. "Why don't you go try it on?" He suggested seeing the way I looked at the dress. I took the dress into the back room and after having a small problem with the zipper I had it on. It fit me perfectly and I loved the design. It was perfect for me. It was a little simple and formal but perfect.

The Dress

I stepped out of the dressing room and saw Remington checking his phone

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I stepped out of the dressing room and saw Remington checking his phone. "Does it look okay?" I asked holding my arms like a self-hug, a nervous tick I have when it comes to seeing what people think about what I look like.

Remington looked up from his phone and immediately put the phone in his pocket. "You look beautiful." He said as he held my arms out in front of me so he could see the whole dress. "Do you like this one?" He asks me. "I love it." I said twirling in it a little. "Then that's the one you'll get." He told me giving me a hug. 

I went back into the dressing room and changed back into my normal clothes and then me and Remington went to the cahier to pay for the dress. Before we were even out of the store though Remington took my hand and almost dragged me to a shoe store. I gave him a confused look a little I was just going to wear my normal tennis shoes with the dress. "I already know that you were going to wear your normal shoes with the dress, but they won't match and you have to have shoes that fit the dress otherwise the whole outfit doesn't work." He said still dragging me until we got to the part of the store that had all the nice shoes and he started trying to find some shoes for the dress on one side while I started on the other side. 

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