Where's The Boom

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Short chapter but fun. 

Today we didn't have anything really planned. Our plan was to just look at the areas around and find a trail to go hiking or something. 

When I woke up and went into the kitchen where Shy put the baked goods that she and Em bought at the bakery and I saw that Dad and Andy were still asleep on the couch together.  

I walked over to the other joined cabin were Seb and 'Risa were already awake. "Is anyone else awake yet?" I asked Seb. "Shy is. She's getting dressed right now. Are Rem and Andy still asleep?" " Yup. They are also still curled up together on the couch. So I was thinking, how about we put our plan in action today? I already have looked at the maps and there is a trail that isn't very long that takes you onto a island that is in the middle of one of the lakes. It would be the perfect spot for our plans to begin." 

" Sure, sounds good. Although I can honestly say I never thought that I would be playing matchmaker with my niece for my brother." "Well, you are so get used to it. And don't forget we have to leave early tomorrow if we are going to get to the glacier on time." " The girl who is terrified of skiing and snowboarding want to go hike on a glacier. Yeah, that makes perfect sense." " Does to me! But do in a million years think that you are going to get me on the skywalk." 

"Good morning, sweetheart. Sleep well?" Shy asked coming out of her room that she shared with Em. "Yeah, today we are putting project Remdy in action. I have it all planned out. All we have to do is get them on a hike and get 'lost' and get them to talk. We have already been here two days and they have barely said a word to each other because they are too shy! So, if they aren't going to talk naturally then we can force them without them noticing." 

And that's what we did. We got Em up and during that process Dad and Andy came into the cabin we were in. Quite red in the face and refusing to meet each other's gaze. So once everyone got into the cars, we started the short drive to the trail. We sent them on ahead of us making up the excuse that Seb and Larisa wanted photos for their Instas and that Em had fallen asleep again. Unfortunately, the last one wasn't an excuse. Em really had fallen back asleep, and it would be a while to wake him. I swear waking him up is worse than waking up a hibernating bear. 

So, while Shy woke Em up, I took some photos of Seb and Larisa before we started down the trail. It was still cloudy from the day before but luckily it wasn't raining anymore. But it was still hard to stay quite on the trails that were muddy. When we got to the island, we hid behind a very large fallen tree stump and watched Dad and Andy as they talked looking out at the mountains that seemed to rise up out of the lake. 

We couldn't hear what was being said but we could plainly see the blushes on each of their faces. We stayed there hidden and watched as their conversation dwindled, and Andy tried to hold Dad's hand. Dad looked up at Andy and smiled before letting him hold his hand. I quickly snapped a picture of the two holding hands and looking across the lake. 

We walked out of hiding from behind the stump, over to them. When they saw us, they jumped away from each other. Part of our plan was to act like we didn't see anything, but Em and Seb couldn't help but make a few 'discrete' comments. They started blushing again and pretended to ignore each other since we were with them, but I could see the secret glances that they took of each other and the small smiles they gave each other whenever one of them caught the other looking at him. 

I am sure that before this trip ends, they will be together. But I need to make sure no more comments are made from Em, and Seb. 

We started walking back after I took a few more photos of the scenery, but halfway back to the car the wind picked up rain started pouring down on us from the grey clouds in the sky. We started laughing as we made it a race to see who would get to the cars first. Although it was only me, dad, Andy, Em, and Shy. Seb and Larisa got disqualified because Seb was giving a Larisa a piggyback ride. By the time we didn't have a clue of who won, but we were still laughing and having fun together, so it didn't matter.  

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