Get Higher

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I was woken up by alarm going off at six thirty. I made sure that I would get up early so we could get to the glacier on time, and so everyone else could get up on time, and give everyone extra time to get Em up. 

For the next half hour or so I made sure everything that we would need was packed before everyone got up. I also wasn't the only one who decided to get up early, Seb was already awake. 

Finally when it was around seven thirty the others started waking up. Surprisingly Em was awake, and it didn't take us half an hour to wake him up which gave us some more time on our schedule to do some sightseeing. 

When Andy and dad came outside to where we were packing the car to leave all of us were trying to hide our smirks because we knew what they did last night, but we didn't say anything to them. Yet. I'm sure that with Emersons big mouth something will be said eventually. 

They clouds had parted but still were there, hopefully they will stay parted long enough until the glacier walk had finished. 

I started walking around the yard out of boredom, while the others finished double triple checking the list. And all was fine until I saw the most terrifying thing in the world land on my shoulder.

A bee!

I ran back to the cars trying to get away from the dreadful thing, and quickly as I could jumped into the backseat of the van, slamming the door shut. 

"What was that all about?" Dad asked me, opening the door back up. "There was bee!" I told him. "A bee?" He asked confused and also trying not to laugh. "A bee! Where!?" Andy asked/yelled. "See he understands it, bees are the most terrifying thing on earth!" "Bees? Seriously? -" He laughed a little "A bee is the most terrifying thing on earth to a girl who has a stuffed tarantula and won't let me kill the spiders in the house or that mouse that time." 

"Well, that's because they were cute. Bees are not." "I do not understand you sometimes." Dad said shaking his head. "Where's the bee!? Is it on me!?" Andy yelled from across the yard. "Remington! Go calm down your boyfriend, before he has a heart attack." Shy told him. I could see dad blush at the word boyfriend, but he didn't deny anything at the same time though. 

Once dad had assured Andy that there was no bee, we all got into the cars and started down the road. 

While Andy drove us through the forest and up the mountains, I snapped photos of the scenery. It wasn't easy because we were in a moving car, but most of them turned out all right though. There were stops along the road where I would take pictures of the mountains, forests and rivers. 

We arrived at the visitor center where the bus was waiting to take us to the glacier bus, that would take onto the glacier. We all got onto the bus that took us to the bus, and after what was less than a five-minute drive where at the other bus that took us to the glacier. I didn't really like that ride though. The road grade was so steep that I thought at one point that we had to be completely vertical, and then the road just dropped off a cliff until the ground that we more than twenty feet off the ground, and for someone who hates heights it's terrifying. 

No one has figured out how even though I am deathly afraid of heights that I can go climbing up and down trees like a squirrel. Finally, the bus stopped on the glacier, and I almost literally ran off the bus, both out of excitement and not wanting to be back on that road again. 

"It's so COLD!" Dad said as a breeze came off of the glacier and blew toward us. "Whimp. It's only barely forty-three." I told him. "Yeah, that's cold!" Dad said and Em, Larisa, and Shy agreed with him. I started walking around on the ice, although I guess I should say sliding because there is absolutely no friction, but what do you expect its ice! 

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