Fever Dream

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This one was a little late because I got sick for three two weeks. NOT FUN! But I'm feeling better so here is another chapter to read. I hope you like it. 

TW Mentions of throwing up, needles, mentions of rape, mentions of self-harm. I don't think anything to bad but just in case... 

I woke up in my own bed for the first time in three months. We got back home last night and all four of us all raced up to our own beds and fell asleep. 

When I woke up I didn't feel right. My throat felt like someone rubbed sandpaper down it, my head was dizzy and swimming. I think I might be sick. I tried getting out of bed but I had absolutely no energy to do so. I found enough to reach over to my nightstand and grab my phone. I looked at the time it was already 12:00. 

As if on cue like he knew that I had woken up Dad came in my room while eating a jar of nutella. "Oh, good your awake I was just about to wake you up!" He said to me. "Wait, why are you still in bed? Usually, you'd be bouncing around the house." He placed the back of his hand on forehead. "You're burning up!" He exclaimed his expression becoming really worried. He shouted for Seb and Em apologizing when he saw me wince at the loud noise.  

Sebastain and Emerson came into the room wondering why Dad was shouting for them. "I think she has a fever." He told them. "Ya, think?" I rasped out making Emerson laugh a little. "Well still healthy enough to be sassy so it can't be too bad." Emerson joked. 

Sebastain left the room for a minute and came back with a thermometer. When the think beeped, and he took it out of my mouth I could tell it wasn't good he showed Em and Dad whose faces became increasingly worried. 

"I'm going to make her some soup, Rem why don't you take her downstairs to the couch so she can watch a movie and we can keep an eye on her." Seb said to us. 

"Wait, Emerson in my closet on the left side there is a wooden box that has deer and eagles and bears on it can you get it for me really quick?" I asked him. He looked confused but got the box either way and brought it over to me. I reached over to my nightstand again and pulled out one of my key necklaces and unlocked and opened the lid, but they couldn't see what was inside so they both looked at each other confused. I finally got what I was searching for pulled him out and closed the lid. I locked the box again and handing it back to Em who put it back inside the closet. 

"What did you pull out?" Dad asked me. When I showed him, he almost screamed. "What on earth is wrong Rem?" Emerson asked him. I showed Emerson the stuffed tarantula that I had pulled out from the box. "It looks real!" Dad said freaking out a little bit. "That is cute. Rem, how are you scared of it. Besides its stuffed." Emerson told Dad. "It's a fricken spider!" 

"Your Dad's a wimp." Emerson said to me. "So, you like spiders? Don't think you told us that." "I like all animals, well except for bees, wasps, hornet etc." "Why do you have a stuffed spider!?" Dad asks. "Because I think it's cute, and technically it's a tarantula."  

Dad picked me up from my bed and carefully carried me down the stairs and laid me on the couch and put a blanket on me before going into the kitchen where me and Emerson could him say "She has a fricken stuffed tarantula, Sebastain! Of course she does cause every girl has a stuffed tarantula hidden in their closet!" Me and Emerson started laughing our head of at that. "Probably shouldn't tell him that I had a pet tarantula when I was ten should I?" I told Emerson between laughs. When he heard that we both started laughing even harder. "What are you two laughing at!?" Dad shouted from the kitchen. "Nothing!" We both answer at the same time which for some reason made us laugh even harder until we almost couldn't breathe. "You two are crazy." Dad says coming into the living room with medicine and a cup of tea for me. "They say laughter is the best medicine." Emerson pointed out. "So, what should we watch?" Sebastain asked me. "Return of the King!" "You really love those movies, don't you?" "They are my comfort movies. Make sure it is the extended version!" I told him. "Yes, your highness." 

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