hidden somewhere.

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Lightning flashes through my entire body, my skin turns blood red, two horns grow from my head, my long claws and fangs appear, I get bat wings, a devil's tail, and blood red eyes.

There I am – Trixie Colette!

My book has also transformed! It has got little wings, little horns and a big green eye, the bookmark has turned so-so and a forked tongue wiggles between the pages.

"Attack!" I command my book and it flies off to support Ems and Poco in the fight.

I quickly jump over the parked cars, push off and shoot into the air! As quick as lightning I fly to the nearest Christmas garland, smash the cable, and throw it to my book. I do the same with the other end of the cable and together my scrapbook and I fly around the robot, in opposite directions, until it is tied up and can no longer fire rockets.

Now the others attack, Ems mist him with her hairspray, Poco attacks him with his evil guitar notes, I use my super skill and do double damage to him with my run. Finally, Edgar activates his star power (the melee fighters have already gotten theirs), jumps in a high arc from the fourth floor, lands in the middle of the robot and rips its head off!


A gigantic explosion occurs as the robot explodes! We did it, he is defeated!!! I quickly get off the ground and catch Edgar, who was thrown through the air by the explosion. It's amazing how strong I am in my transformed form. I flap my wings slowly until I hit the asphalt again.


"Thank you both!" Ems smiles at us.

"You really make a great couple!" Poco adds, putting an arm around the zombie.

Stop! WHAT?!

I immediately drop Edgar and wave my arms incomprehensibly.

"N-No, you're wrong! We're not a couple, n-not yet anyway. Wait what?! D-Did I say that out loud?! No, what I mean is, we're friends. Good friends, best friends but well, just friends ha-ha!"

It's a wonder I haven't bitten my snake tongue of while talking so far.

Hey girl, you'll never get anywhere like that, my inner Trixie rolls her eyes, visibly annoyed, as I transform back in shame.

We're helping Poco and Ems put their tent back up; there's nothing we can do about the holes in the tarpaulin now. I wave to both, then I sit behind Edgar, and we drive back to the gift shop. I can't believe the bike is still running after I smashed it into a box full of perfume!

Thoughtfully, I put my arms around Edgar's stomach and my chin on his shoulder.

"What did you want to ask me before?"

"Oh, nothing important."

"Okay..." I mumble and close my eyes.

And you? Do you just happen to have something to say to him?

Eh, no?


Excitedly I run with Max across the snow-covered meadows behind the academy. Max did it! She gets to help Surge protect Metricity once she completes her education!!! I'm so happy for her!

"Villains have been warned!"

"Because now there's a new heroine in Metrocity!"

"The fast, strong and incredibly good-looking..."

"...the confident and fearless Max Lightning!!!"


So, we frolic around the square like two little girls until Max stops and looks around sceptically.

"What's wrong?" I ask her and follow her gaze to a bush near us.

Is there something rustling? Is someone whispering?

But before I can take a closer look, Max pushes me along.

"Um yeah, uh I mean no, nothing's going on, I just thought I heard something, but it was probably just a bird. You know, I have to run home quick and tell my mom the great news, I'll see you later Col! Bye!"

"Bye Max!"

And she's gone! Wow, she really is faster than lightning!

I'm about to go back to the academy when I notice the rustling in the bush again. Curious, I approach the bushes; it can't possibly be a bird. And really! When I look behind the bush, I don't see a bird there - but Edgar!

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