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I jump wildly through the terribly narrow space, throwing furniture and other objects to the ground. I stop in front of the mirror, a red monster hiss at me! Angry, I smack the glass with my paw, hear a loud clinking and other splintering noises and quickly rush out the door into the next room.

Here, too, I scratch the furniture, tear pictures and posters off the walls, and then hurry on to an even smaller room. It's dark here and smells pleasantly of strawberries, which calms me down a bit. I notice the small puddle in the shower, get on all fours and start drinking from the puddle like a cat.

Suddenly I hear a noise! One click! someone is here!

Like a shy animal, I first duck around in the shadows, then roar and leap aggressively at the intruder, throwing him to the ground.

Triumphantly, I want to give him a good hit with my claw when I am attacked by a black and white snake. In a rage, I fight the snake that is trying to wrap itself around my neck. As I swing and kick, I hit a shelf and get buried in tons of brawler stuff.

I'm finally rid of the annoying thing; I quickly rummage through the contents of the shelf - and notice that the apartment door is open. I'm out the door in two leaps and rushing down the aisle. I want to go outside!

I trot further and further down the hallway when I notice that I'm being followed, there are footsteps! I turn, determined to fight, then I see something!

A point! A bright spot on the ground! I want to catch him, but the point is faster! I reach for it quickly, but now the point is on my hands! How can that be? I look behind me, there is a boy, black hair, grey T-shirt with a white skull on it, holding a funny staff, a scarf snaking around his neck – THE SNAKE!!! I angrily let go of the mysterious point, hiss at the boy, and want to jump again, but what is that? The boy has pulled out a book from behind his back.

"Calm down Colette, calm down! Look, there's your book! Come on kitty, kitty, kitty..."

Curious, I creep closer and sniff the sides. It smells like burnt hair, Piper's muffins, and a little honey from Bea's bees.

Brawl Stars! The boy who just called me Colette is right! This is my book and I'm Colette! Stop, I'm not Colette!!! I am a devil being, a monster! No, no, no, not again!

I sink to the floor and close my eyes.


I open my eyes; I'm lying in the hallway - I'm lying in Edgar's arms! I jump up quickly, trip over my tail and fall again!

Wait, I have a tail?!

"Colette, everything alright?!" Edgar kneels next to me, my scrapbook in his hands. I want to take it, I don't want him to look in there, there's a lot of embarrassing stuff about him in there... That's when I notice that I have no hands but claws – red claws Worried I run back to my apartment.

Why was I in the hall at all and why is Edgar here?

My apartment looks like a bomb has gone off, the table and chairs are overturned, the sofa is scratched, the shelves are askew and brawler stuff is all over the floor!

Has a monster raged here? Wait, am I...

Worried, I rush into the bathroom, turn on the light and stare at my reflection.

Is that really me?!

Stunned, I raise my hand as if to make sure my likeness does the same - it does, so I'm really Colette! Although I don't look like Colette right now, not at all!!!

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