Chapter 26

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Jaxon's Pov

This is all my fault.

This is all my fault.






Yeah, it's your fucking fault! My wolf growled. I punched the wall in my room, as if it was my-ultimately-annoying-wolf.

You shut up! You're one to be blamed, too. I retaliated.

Whatever, he uttered and as if he's also rolling his eyes, before he blocked me. This made me feel more aggravated.

"Jaxon, we can't handle the Rogue anymore,"Chris mumbled right out of my room. I groaned and ruffled my hair, making it a whole lot messier than before.

Making me a whole lot of a failure and a mess!

I stompingly walked out of my room and harshly closed the door, causing it to make a loud bang! I could hear Chris' fast steps right behind me, obviously trying to catch up with my fast pace.

I feel like I want to kill this Rogue. This Rogue that caused all of this mess. This Rogue that shape-shifted to Sulli for almost a month span now. This Rogue that tricked everybody, especially me.
Hunter. I'm going to kill you.

That Rogue that started it all. That Rogue that almost hurt Sam at the mall, just to get her. That Rogue that almost killed Sam's brother, just to get Sam and him together...

Yes! That stupid and dickheaded Rogue!

Now, I just want to cut his head and balls off then feed it to the crocodiles.

And he even ki-- whatever.

I stepped in front of the room where we locked Hunter in. I could hear him growling like an insane-idiotic-shitty wolf that doesn't have a coconut. I placed my hand on the cold knob - a sign that the guard's just seldom feed him. Before I closed my eyes and let out a shaky breath. Then I slowly turned the knob and heard a click sound.

The moment the door opened, my rage grew more to the extent that I had to lunge at him. For he just used Sulli's face, AGAIN! The spell he used to shapeshift to Sulli must've ran out already.

I grabbed him by the collar and then threw my hardest punch right at his annoying face. It caused him to collapse to the floor and he spat out some blood as he coughed. A slight smirk formed on the corner of my lips, enjoying the scene I'm seeing.

Though, it's not enough! You losed Sam.. Kill h--

I blocked my wolf off and made him a small note, to not interfere any Alpha business with some dumbass wolf. Or with any of my businesses.

"You! How dare you do all these things to us?! I spared your life! But you--dipshit!"I yelped at his face as I gripped hard on his collar. He's a dipshit, a total dipshit!


"JJ!"my father's voice ricocheted in the white room, with only its dirty-white-colored walls around. I turned to my father and he gave me that unreadable expression, so I frowned in return.

Don't lose control. We can either use him as a bait or use him as source of information, my father mind linked me. I let out a low animalistic growl.

I'm ready to kill this dumbass wolf though. Like, RIGHT NOW!

"Bring him to the conference room, make sure he's still all tightly tied or else.."Kingston didn't finish his sentence which left me hanging. Or something like that.

How could he be so calm and all-controlled at the moment? When we've lost so much because of this Rogue. He's killed quite a few of our men, without us even knowing a single thing about it. And it makes me think that, he's a good assassin like Sam and is better than me in doing things..

And now, we can't even find Lorra and Tristan's location.

How can all of these happen?

Geez! It's so unfair.

"Jaxon, we need to talk,"my father broke my train of thoughts, as he dragged me out of the room.

"Look son, I understand what and how you're feeling right now. But I'm still doubting that you know how to control your emotions.. Being an Alpha, that has to be part of it,"he said using his Alpha tone on me. I frowned again.

"I don't care. I can't be so calm at this moment when we've lost so much. I feel like a mess, dad! I'm the current Alpha!"I mumbled as I let out a shaky breath and gritted my teeth.

"I'm a failure,"I uttered before my father's hand landed on my shoulder.

"You're not. Everything happens for a reason, JJ. Reflect from what's happening in your life today and then find solutions for tomorrow,"he said and I looked up at him. Concern filled his face.
I wasn't still that convinced.

But I have to find a way to get to right people.

To get solutions for my problems.

To be a better Alpha to the pack.


To get Samantha back.


It's been a long time since I last updated, but hey! I'm great now! Please stay tuned and thank you for the votes!
*sends flying kisses to everyone*

P.S. I'll be posting a gangster-type of story, probably anytime this weekend. Yey!

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