Chapter 17:

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'You're going to die,'I heard whispers around me. I kept turning around but what was around me is just too dark that I can't see anything.

"Who are you?"I asked.

"You're going to die,"I heard it again.

"Who is it?!"I yelled out this time.

I was awakened by the feeling of my phone vibrating. I pried my eyes to the ceiling before I looked to my phone.

I just received a message. I quickly grabbed my phone and typed the passcode before pressing on the message button. It's a message from Jaxon.

Wait, when did I give him my number?

Well, maybe I did but I don't remember.

From Jaxon: Anything to do today?

I sighed and was about to type when I heard something scrumble outside. I stepped down my bed, then down the window.

There were two wolves luring outside. They're from my clan, but I don't know what they're doing here? Well, maybe just some business they're trying to finish.

To Jaxon:  Why?

I asked him before I should say yes or no. He replied within a few seconds.

From Jaxon: Let's go on a date.

I rolled my eyes.

To Jaxon: My brother, dude. I need to take care of him.

From Jaxon: Let someone take care of him.

It's not that easy, duhh.

To Jaxon: Whatever. I still won't leave him.

From Jaxon: I'll just send someone to bring him and play with him at the mall.

I was halfway on reading his message, when I heard something clang downstairs.

My brother is still sleeping during this time. Coz' if he's awake then he'd run right into my room every morning.

I tugged my phone under my pillow and brought a silver dagger, as I slowly and quietly went downstairs. There were five men in the living room. They're Rogues, too, but they don't look familiar at all.

How did they get in here? And why are they here without even a slight notice?

I threw the dagger to the one who's near me and he got hit by the dagger on his back. His back was steaming as it was silver.

As his company heard him scream, they immediately turned to face who hit him. I was hiding so they won't be able to see me.

"Assassin? Where are you?"I heard one speak.

I'm weaponless now and the potions' are in the drawer in the kitchen. The only thing I could do is to turn into a wolf, which is I guess could be a bad idea.

As I've said I don't trust my wolf. What if my brother wakes up and I might hurt him? But again, it is the only thing I could do at this moment.

I faced them as my wolf took over me. I'm strong and I know that. I showed my teeth to them as I gritted my teeth. I growled at them. Before they could  transform to their wolves, I attacked them and ripped their throats off. They were now dead.

I could still smell another Rogue somewhere here. I turned around and saw my brother staring at me. He had teary eyes.

This is so brutal to him as he'd never seen me kill people in front of him, especially in my wolf form.

"Sister?"he asked.

Not long before, I ran fast towards him and he ducked. I jumped over him and ran to my room. I transformed to normal again and quickly changed.

I walked to my brother and hugged him. He was still ducking as I was hugging him.

"Brother, whatever you saw, forget about it, okay?"I asked when I heard him suddenly sob.

"I can't. I just witnessed killing and everything,"he said as he hugged me.

"I had to kill them since they're bad guys.. Hope you understand. It was the only choice I had,"I said and sighed as I caressed his back.

Oh gosh! I guess I need to apply potion on him so I can make him forget about what happened.


I'm currently texting Jaxon that I might not be able to attend the date since I had some serious business to finish which was dumping the dead bodies. I had to make my brother sleep and put potion on him.

Not long before I heard a loud bang downstairs. Not another group of Rogues again.

I slowly walked downstairs and saw the unexpected guy. Jaxon. I walked to him and crossed my arms to my chest after he saw me. He stared back at the dead bodies in front of him.

"What?"I asked.

"Are you alright?"he asked as he walked to me before wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Yeah, just had to deal with my brother since he saw the whole thing,"I said as I leaned on his chest. I admit, I need him right now after all these weird things happening.

"What can I help?"he asked as he leaned forward. I knew what he was going to do.

"Could you please dump the bodies somewhere far?"I asked and he froze. He stared straight at my eyes before rolling his eyes.

"Fine,"he said and sighed before I pulled his collar and pecked his lips. I knew he wasn't expecting for that. At least a bit of prize for him.
"Thanks,"I said and smiled. He just smirked at me.

Anyways, thank the moon goddess that he came so I won't have to dump the trash all by myself. I still have to find out who sent them here. It could've been better if I left one body alive and ask him before I kill him. Tsk.

But one thing's on my mind..

Why were their Rogues barging in my house?

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