Chapter 32

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Sam's Pov

It's been three days since I met Samuel, my brother. He told me things about himself and I can remember quite few ones as memory fragments also tend to come back. At night, I'd get dreams about a familiar looking guy, one that I've seen commonly on my racing events. It'd be his shining blue eyes that I'd remember. Something in them is familiar, everytime he'd stare at me, even just in my dreams.

Samuel jolted me back to reality right after he swerves his car beside mine, bumping against the silver steel. I glanced at him, giving him a deadly glare, but I caught him laughing.

"Hey! That was offensive!" I tell him telepathically and yet I can still hear him laugh, with arrogance obvious in his mien.

"I see you love your cars very well, big sister," Samuel responds, "that's so cute," he adds, before I take a swift turn to the right.

And it's been a long time since he called me 'big sister', I think.

"Big sister, huh?" I ask him but he just doesnt't reply that quick. I know he's concentrating and even though he's my brother, I won't let myself lose to him even in just one race.

"Pfft. Mother then," Sam utters before letting out a hysterical laugh.

What the hell is wrong with him? Is he high right now?


If ever you're wondering where we are, well I brought him to one of the race venues that I've gone before. This was I guess my 4th event, and it's illegal by the way. Though it was illegal, the founder had worldwide contacts so huge names were involved. They didn't want their names to be mentioned or brought up, so they kept the race a secret. We all do.

Plus, big money was involved that time. I won. Part of it I kept, part of it I gave to charity and other environmental organizations. It was an initiative and I'm just being...well, me. My animal side was probably acting up that time or I was just being humane. Either way,  I still felt happy with what I did.

"You look so cute with that constant frown on your face, mom," Samuel mutters, obviously trying to piss me off. Thinking that I'd be pissed but not at all. I'm not even frowning. So again, is he high or what?

"Yeah, and it'd be even cuter if I win so shut up little brother," I retort to Samuel's comment but I only hear him snort.

Stepping hard on the gas the moment I see the finish line, I feel a little light headed and my vision blurs for a second. Gripping hard on the steering wheel, as I finally reach the finish line.

What just happened?

Quickly breaking the step on the gas, I place my foot on the brake and drift around. Tires screeching at the movement of the steering wheel wobbling around. I catch sight of something beside my car and so I stepped hard on the brake, but it wasn't enough to stop the car from moving considering the amount of momentum it had gained while I was stepping on the gas to the finish line.

But what takes me aback was when the figure raised both of its hands to stop the car and it does stop, the moment he slams both hands onto the steel car. Swerving to the side, I gasp and groan when the car bumps hard against the cement wall close to the end of the tunnel, my head snapping to the side at the sudden motion. My heart began to beat fast, pounding hard against my chest when I see the figure by the rearview mirror coming towards the passenger side.

I couldn't clearly see the person's face, but all I know is that he's got some kind of weird, yet familiar aura. The passenger door opens and I hear Samuel calling my name from the background. I was about to warn him to not come any closer, but it was too late when I saw him getting slammed to the other end of the tunnel.

No! I want to get up and help Samuel. Fight whoever this person is. But I very well know that I can't, especially with my state right now. I can't help myself, how much more my brother?

But trying is something. Doesn't matter if I die. I can't lose my brother this time.

"You deviant!" that word hits me like an iceberg in the Arctic. It sounded dangerous and familiar.

A pair of arms harshly tug at me, pulling me out of the race car. I only let out a whimper at the brutality of his actions. All I know about this man is that he hates me and he wants to kill me. And it's very obvious that he's got one Rogue wolf. I must've done something to him in the past.

I demand a quick background check for myself now!

"Dude! Be nice or at least your approximation of nice," I tell the guy and it must've tick him off seeing as he drops me to the cold ground, causing me to let out a cry of pain.

"You have been a very bad girl," his voice is even familiar. The guy takes his mask off and his blonde hair and fair complexion struck me.

But his eyes were the ones that definitely broke me. They were darker, hollow-looking and filled with no emotions. And so did every part of his face.

What...what happened to you...



Bello! I'm back. #NotDead

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