Chapter 19

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I smiled to Jaxon as we reached home. I gave him a peck on the cheek before I walked in the house. I didn't know what came up between us but he wasn't speaking at all nor was I.

"Sista'!,"my little brother spoke and ran to me before hugging me.

"Good thing, you're fine,"I said and he nodded hastily. It'd probably make him dizzy, hmm.

"Uncle Chris played video games with me. They're awesome!"he threw his fist up in the air. I raised an eyebrow at him.

Uncle? Did he just call that Chris dude, Uncle?

"Okay, that's great. Now, better go to sleep, little brother,"I said and led him to his room. And by the way, Chris and Jaxon decided that we meet at my house.

As we came inside my brother's room, I pulled up the covers to his chest and before I could go out of my room, he grabbed my hand. I looked back at him.

"Yes?"I asked as I sat beside him on his bed.

"Can you tell me a story?"he asked and to my greatest shock, he was obviously not joking. Wow! He never told me this once. Ever!

"Why?"I asked as I played with the hair that dripped down to his eyes. Such a cute boy.

"I want to hear from you before I sleep. You weren't here with me the whole day,"he said and I chuckled to his sentence before smiling with a nod.

"Okay, here it goes. Once upon a time, there was this girl who was a wolf, they had a fight with a boy who was the Alpha of that clan. The girl was so fast that the boy didn't have the time to chase after him,"I paused and realized that my brother was intently looking at me. But deep down those eyes, I could tell that he is sleepy and just trying to keep himself awake.

I was obviously going to tell him the story about Jaxon and me but he didn't know about how we met. So, I just made it out as a story coz' I ran out of fairytales. Well, I'm sure he doesn't have the feels for fairytales.

"Then came morning, he was so frustrated that he had to find the girl. Coz' the girl was his mate.."then I heard him yawn and I pulled the covers up to his neck.

"Please stay here. I want someone to protect and watch over me when I sleep,"he said and his words made me feel overwhelmed.

"I will always watch over you, lil' bro,"I said and kissed his forehead.
He's fast asleep and I on the other hand was just looking up at the ceiling. I tried to close my eyes but the feeling of being anxious was right there down the pit of my stomach. I let out a sigh and ran a hand through my hair. I should just get some sleep, coz' this is just making me feel sick.


It was midnight, about 2:56 in the morning, when I heard something 'cling' outside. My eyes shut open and I quickly sat up. I didn't know why my wolf senses came out just all of a sudden.

I slowly opened the door and stepped outside. Then something silvery shimmered on the corner of my eyes.

Not again.

"Bad rogues,"I hissed under my breath before I ducked as a 6-tailed star was thrown on my way. I groaned under my breath and before I could just lunge towards that person, I felt a hand grab my wrist and to my surprise my brother's holding my hand.

Damn! Why was he awake at this time?

"Brother,"I whispered before I brought him with me, before we ran to the other side. I used my wolf senses to find were the lights' switch were. I don't remember turning the lights off last night, after Jaxon and Chris went home.

This is a scheme made by the Rogues. Damn it!

I placed my brother down before I grabbed my weapons to attack, after I turned the lights on. The guy was about to shoot at me but I had the time to crouch and throw two spikes and a four-tailed star. He then collapsed before I grabbed the gun from him and shot him on the head.


"Sam?"I heard a soft but weak voice behind me.

Shit! I forgot about my brother. I then turned to him before I was left agape and all the blood drained out my face when I saw blood dripping down his stomach.

"I'm shot,"he whispered before he collapsed but I caught him on time.
"No!"I screamed out before I carried him to his room. I grabbed my phone and searched for the first person I needed help from. It didn't take him time to answer.

"Jax, I need your help. Please, come over here right now,"I said in a weak voice before I saw my brother cough blood. What should I do?


"Wait here, okay? Stay with me bro,"I said and ran to the kitchen to get the potion. I tried to keep a calm composure but I can't. Seeing one of the most important person in my life is dying—no!

He's not dying. He's not dying.

"Calm down, Sam,"I whispered to myself before I went back to my brother's room. He's so pale that almost all the blood ran out of his body. Shit!

"Stay with me, okay?"I said but he didn't respond. He just smiled, instead.

"Stop smiling!"I yelled out before I pulled the potion's cover off and let two drops of the potion pour down his wound. I capped it back before I held my brother's hand and softly squeezed it.

"Bro, don't you ever leave me,"I said before another smile came out of his lips.

"Damn it!"I hissed at him. I was still in fright that I could already hear my heart beating. My hands are trembling.

"I love you sis. Thank you,"those were the last words that escaped out of his lips before his hand slipped from mine.

"No, no, no, no.. You can't leave me,"I said before I shook his shoulders and took his hand.

"You're kidding me, right?"I asked—assumably talking to myself.

I knelt beside him on his bed as I felt tears flow down my cheeks.

"No.. Please no,"I whispered as my lips quivered.

I promised myself that I will always protect my brother. I've lost my parents, and now I've lost one of the most important person in my life.

I felt shoulders wrap around me. It's Jaxon. I can't blame him for coming late, coz' I was just a bother to him.

I should've been the one to die..

If I could only turn back time.

I assure you brother, I'll let whoever did this to you pay for this.

Feedbacks are welcome.

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