Chapter 1:

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"Son, stay here. Don't go out. Whatever happens," my mom said as she kissed my forehead before closing the closet's door and locking it.

I didn't understand why she hid me there. I wanted to call out to her but I'm sure it would only be a bad move and may even risk my own mother's life.

I then heard screams and I jerked off on my place, almost kicking the door. It was from my mom. I covered my mouth and my eyes were filled with tears.

Then, the screams stopped.

"Take her body and throw it to the river," a deep voice said. My eyes widened and I wanted to run to my mom. I wanted to protect her from these bad men, but what else could I do? I was locked in and I'm just a damn kid.

Just then my eyes opened. It came back to me again. The nightmare came back again.

I groaned and rolled over my bed as the lights were killing my eyes. I realized I had forgotten to turn the lights off last night as I was already enjoying the night with Liliane.

Speaking of Liliane, I looked over to my side and didn't see her there anymore. Oh well, why would I care? She's maybe downstairs, cooking as I could smell the smell of dainty food.

I should be ready now, coz' my father will come over anytime and he might find out that the soon-to-be Alpha was just lazily sleeping on his bed, and even having girls sleeping with him.

I groaned as I lifted my body from my bed when I suddenly fell. I cursed before standing up. I then heard the door open, then found Liliane standing there. She was already wearing shorts, exposing her legs that looked delightful.

"Hey baby,"she said in her seductive voice as she placed a tray of food on the bed. I pecked her lips as I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Last night was--"I cut her off.

"Heavenly, I know,"I said and smirked.


"What were you thinking Jaxon?!"my father yelled at me.

Good thing Liliane's gone already.

"I like Liliane. She's,"I confidently said.

Well, I was one stubborn and arrogant son. And I admit that.

"I know, son. Your hormones are telling you that, but you're going to be the next Alpha. You shouldn't be wasting your time on these things, you won't be using them on battles,"father said. Yeah he had a point but I just wanted her so bad.

"She's not even your mate,"Dad said and my eyes narrowed at him.

Strike one!

"Right?"he asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Yeah,"I honestly but bluntly said, sounding cold.

"See, these things are all just temporary and are even useless. What I want to see, is you working and training yourself with the rest. Getting use to the things an Alpha should do,"he said, pointing an index finger at me.

"I am making love. Am I not practicing? Isn't that also part of being an Alpha?"I asked and he heaved a sigh.

"Fine, if it's what you want to do then continue. I'd rather be glad to see another person take over my title being an Alpha than my hard-headed son who never listens. You have choices Jaxon, decide which ones you like,"he said and walked out of my room as he placed his hands in his pockets. Those words hit me like daggers. They sting.

My father is a man of his words and dignity and with all his pride, he would be happy to see his son take over his title.

But what did I do? I broke his dreams for me. What better could I do?

I didn't want to be a busy person who wouldn't even find time for R'n'R. Like Rest and Relaxation. But of course, I wanted my father to be proud of me. Now, I have two choices, either to do what I want or do what my father wants. For the good of everyone, I'll take the latter and set these extra-curricular things aside for now and from now on. I'll have time for them soon.

But for now, I wanted to sleep again. I'm tired. Then I'll call my father and tell him about my decision. I'm sure he'll be happy.


What do you think?

First chapter done. Yey!

I'd like to say my early apologies coz' I started with a really short chapter until the next chapters, before I actually realized that I was writing small ones. Then I finally got the hang of it so Yey!


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