March of the Oni : Chapter 1 - The Darkness Comes

Comenzar desde el principio

The door opens, revealing a large dark room. "To hold the rottenest egg of all." In the center of the room was a glass container, shining a light down upon the figure inside.

The warden backs up. "Well... good luck." He turns around and bolts before Lloyd and Katarina had time to react.

"Aren't you gonna—" The door slams shut before Katarina had time to finish her sentence. Lasers block the door's entrance. She hums uneasily. "Stay?"

Lloyd walks over to a lever and pulls it down, activating a bridge to get to the cell. They both walk on the bridge. He was the first to speak. "Hello, Father."

Lord Garmadon lowers the magazine from his face level. The cover had a devilish smile on his face. He dones the same smile at the two. "Well, well, if it isn't the Green Ninja." He turns his attention to Katarina. "And he brought the demon along. To what do I owe the honor?"

Katarina growls. Lloyd puts a protective hand on her. "You sent for me, remember? You said it was urgent."

Lord Garmadon raises an eyebrow. "Did I? Hmm. That doesn't sound like me." He turns his back on them. "I have all the time in the world in here."

Lloyd scoffs. "Fine."

"What a waste of our time-"

Their father turns back around. He smiles. "Oh, yes. I remember now. I did call you." Lloyd and Katarina turn back around to face him. "Do you remember the last time we saw each other? What I said?"

Lloyd furrowed his eyebrows in concentration.

Lloyd had been getting nightmares too, just like he did after Morro's possession. Those nightmares were bad after the possession, but they weren't now after Garmadon's terrible reign. He kept dreaming about Harumi and her death, his father and his Colossus, Keres, his friends dead.

Unlike his post-possession nightmares, he would lay in bed for as long as he could after he woke up in the morning, thinking about the recent events, until his friends or sister told him to get up.

Come to think of it, that was all he had been doing. Thinking. Thinking about his father's words before his arrest. He wouldn't exactly admit that's what's been keeping him up at night.

"When they come, nothing will be left."

"You said something was coming."

Lord Garmadon nods. "Yes, but you didn't listen. And now, I'm afraid there isn't much time"

"Time for what?"

A smile appears. "To prepare for the darkness, destruction. The end of Ninjago!" He turns back around. "And while I'm okay with that, in principle, I'd rather not be destroyed along with you, so I've decided to help you fight them."

Lloyd scoffs. "Fight who?"

"The Bringers of Doom. You and your color-coded little ninja are no match for them. There's only one thing powerful enough to stop them."

Katarina scoffs. "Hm...let me guess. You?"

Lord Garmadon's smile widens. "Let me out, and you might have a chance."

She scoffs again, this time rolling her eyes. "Yeah, right. Like I'm falling for that. Don't take us for fools, Father, because we aren't going to let you out of that cell to fight something that doesn't exist." She turns around and starts walking back to the door.

"You believe me, right, Lloyd?"

"How do I put this? No. N—O. Not if you were the last person in all of Ninjago. There is nothing you will say that will make me trust you ever again. Goodbye."

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