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It was decided that the family would move back into a moving castle. A one of Hongjoong's design, and therefore it was new, clean and functional. It still had it's original eyes and mouth kind of design, yet it was very much more homely on the inside and out. It had home like infrastructure, and architecture and it also involved many gardens. From an outside view, it seemed like bushes had invaded, yet on the inside, they made beautiful flower gardens and many large spaces to play.

There was an open balcony at the very top of the castle, you could almost seen anything from up there. There was a vertical hanging line to dry clothes, very much a Hongjoong design, as he had none stop taking care of his family. His very dysfunctional family. There was a part of the castle which had a tower attached from the princes kingdom, after all, he visits when he can.

Calcifer had a room dedicated to himself too, though he like the main room where he was able to see almost everything that happens in the garden. His space was modified to he could move freely, and of course he had no chores. Hongjoong took it upon himself to teach Howl how to be more humane.

There was more, but Hongjoong's design was so thought out that it would take ages to explain all the changes.

Not even to mention on the inside, Hongjoong really made it feel homely. Yeosang's room got a full re-design with the things he likes in mind. There a room for the old witch, and a small library for him too. Hongjoong and Howl had their own rooms as well as a shared room, they spoiled themselves. Not to mention there was the tower for the prince and a separate room dedicated to the smart spy dog they owned. It was a home more than a castle, and that's all that mattered to Hongjoong.

The whole family liked to hang out most of the time, and they were usually found in one of the gardens. The old man would be reading, as Yeosang played with Heen. The couple would be getting up to mischief and basking in their newly found romance. Life in the moving castle was a dream to Hongjoong, and he really cherished every minute.

At this very instance, he found himself standing at the highest balcony which was one of the random 12 balconies they had all over the castle. The wind was blowing through his now blonde hair as he thought through all the events that had happened.

He suddenly remembered the first time he ever met Seonghwa.

'I've been looking for you everywhere my dear.'

It was true, because he truly had been looking for him everywhere. Hongjoong had told him to 'find me in the future'. Hongjoong could've cried at the realisation.

That time when Hongjoong had first made Mingi cook the eggs and bacon, when 'Calcifer only obeys Master Howl', Hongjoong remembered when Howl was surprised by it.

'Calcifer, your being so obedient.'

Hongjoong realised Howl found it amusing because essentially his heart was obeying Hongjoong. Oh, how sweet he found Mingi at that moment.

Hongjoong found him even sweeter once he came to the realisation that when Hongjoong brought people to the castle, Mingi never opposed to it because they were with Hongjoong in the first place. 

Hongjoong too realised the times he had complimented and praised the flame, that he burst into fireworks due to the heart of Howl being young.

He then remembered the Suliman encounter, and how he had flew a modern aircraft made for the war. More importantly, he remembered the ring that was gifted to him by the wizard. The ring that led him back to the castle.

'Summon Calcifer with your heart.'

A tear escaped Hongjoong's eye as he thought about the meaning of the words Howl had spoken to him. He wasn't telling Hongjoong to summon Calcifer, he was telling Hongjoong to summon his heart. That Hongjoong's heart will guide him to Seonghwa's. All of it was bittersweet, if only Hongjoong had noticed at the time.

He suddenly remembered the first time the three of them had sat at the table, and Seonghwa received the cursed paper from the Witch of the Wastes, 'He who catches a fallen star, oh heartless man, your heart will be mine.'

All this time, if Hongjoong had paid a little more attention, then he would've realised the Witch had been telling him what was wrong this whole time. 

Suddenly his attention was turned to the door of the balcony, and out walked the wizard in all his shining glory. His beauty never shifted in the slightest.


"Yes, my love?"

"That ring you gave me...when I went to the past, it broke unfortunately." Hongjoong explained, showing the empty finger. Howl smiled, and showed his empty fingers too.

"If you so desire it, I will make new ones." Howl smiled, "After all, they led us to one another."

So, there it was, the ring on Howl's finger had led him to Hongjoong. All this magic was making Hongjoong fall in love all over again.

Seonghwa stood by the smaller man, so entirely wrapped around his finger in love. As they flew through the sky, they talked about all the adventures and the secret meanings behind their words.

Hongjoong couldn't stand it any longer. He was on his tiptoes, and kissing the lips he so desperately wanted to kiss. He was so in love, and he would be happy to express it every day. Their lips were made for one another. They fit together like puzzle pieces, it was sugar and strawberries mixing together. It was everything they both dreamed it would be.

Howl's Moving Castle.

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