꧁•⊹٭𝙼𝚢 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎٭⊹•꧂

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A groan from the wizard on the floor gathered everyone's attention. His eyes scrunched up in pain, but they didn't open.

"He's alive, he moved!" The young blonde shouted in happiness.

Yet, their happiness was short lived as the castle's last remaining legs had crumbled. The legs holding them up were non-functional now that the flames operating them were no longer there. They started rapidly falling down the mountain they were sitting on, and Hongjoong was holding onto Howl's body for dear life. They were heading for the end of the mountain, and potential death, till the bravery of one scarecrow saved them all.

The scarecrow who had been following the whole time, jumped in front of the crumbling wooden floor and used his stick to slow them down, eventually allowing them to fall safely into a space between two hills. The scarecrow remained lucky that his whole body wasn't eroded way with the speed they were going. However, he did land awkwardly on top of everyone.

"Are you okay?" Hongjoong asked the scarecrow, and he inspected the stick he had snapped due to the cliff face, "I'll get you a new stick right away."

Hongjoong picked him up gently, lying him on one of his arms as he looked at the blank face. He received no answer, no jittery movement. He panicked slightly, he couldn't tell if the scarecrow was dying or seriously hurt. He kissed the cheek of the scarecrow gently and thanked him for what he did.

Amazingly, the scarecrow's body started jumping and seizing. It jumped out of Hongjoong's arms, and landed upright while continuing to seize up. Hongjoong watched in confusion and shock at the events happening. The body of the scarecrow twisted and suddenly in it's place was a very gorgeous human man. He was bedazzled in a suit fit for a prince, and as he took his top hat off and threw it off the cliff. He huffed and turned back to the people watching him.

His features were sharp, yet his smile was adorned with cute dimples. He was truly very pretty, and Hongjoong smiled at the sight. He remembered when Howl mentioned his curse, yet he never suspected this rich sight.

"Thank you Hongjoong." He bowed politely, his smile ever present, "I'm a prince from the next kingdom. A cruel spell turned me into a scarecrow."

Hongjoong had a open mouth in realisation. It was only a rumour, due to it being government secrets, but it was said that a kidnapping of a prince was what had started the war. No one knew if it was true, yet here he was, stood in front of Hongjoong.

"Ah! A spell that only a kiss from your true love could break." Jongho announced, his eyes sparkling at the thought of one's heart loving another.

"Exactly. If Hongjoong hadn't saved me, I would have died." He explained in his gentle voice. Hongjoong smiled at the thought of the prince loving him, yet he felt guilty.

Howl was making grunts again so Hongjoong turned his attention to the wizard who was slowly waking up. His eyes were open and he lifted his head to see the commotion. He smiled at little before he spoke up.

"What a racket. What's the fuss?" He asked, seemingly quite pleased with his first words, then he grunted in pain, "I feel terrible. Like I'm trapped under a rock."

Hongjoong chuckled as he looked over Seonghwa, "Oh, yes, a hearts a heavy burden."

Hongjoong watched as Seonghwa's eyes lit up, "Ah Hongjoong! Your hair is just like starlight. You're so beautiful."

Hongjoong felt as if his heart could burst into flames right there. The words spoken from his favourite pair of lips felt excruciatingly heavenly, and he was the happiest he could ever be. Being with Howl right at this moment, Hongjoong was sure there wasn't anything better than this. His heart felt full, everything was as right as it should be.

"I love you, Seonghwa." Hongjoong exclaimed, his smile the fullest it's ever been. He jumped on Seonghwa, arms around his neck in the tightest hug.

It took a while for Hongjoong to find the strength to lift up from Seonghwa's embrace but eventually they figured out a way from their current predicament and safely on top of the hill once more. Hongjoong waved goodbye to the prince who loved him, and wished him good luck. Hongjoong was so happy he even hugged Yeosang incredibly tight. That's his son now.

Hongjoong didn't even have time to realise his own curse had been broken, he had admitted to loving Howl, and now he had Howl. He was no longer afraid of hiding who he is, being brave is to be young and in love, and therefore he wouldn't ever hide behind a cover ever again. He was young again, no more wrinkles, no more back pain, yet his hair was shorter, cuter, and still grey.

As they stood on the hill, about to leave, a certain someone made an appearance.

"It's Calcifer!" Yeosangie shouted, accidently making an echo down the hill.

Hongjoong stepped forward and lifted his hands so Mingi could gently land in his hands. The bright ball of light suddenly twisted into a tiny flame of orange, the same eyes, nose and mouth showing up.

"I really missed you all." The flame quietly admitted, "Besides, it looks like it's going to rain."

Hongjoong chuckled softly at the child-like flame, "Thank you Mingi."

He delicately kissed the cheek of the warm sizzling flame. Hongjoong chuckled as he watched the flame float, and change to a beetroot red. It was a warm sight indeed.

Hongjoong was finally home, happy with the people he loves. There was no need to worry about curses, no need to worry about love confessions. All of it had been dealt with in time, and now, it's safe to say that everyone is happy. Yeosang has a family. The spy dog wedged his way into the life of everyone. Calcifer remains as the dancing flames in everybodies life. The old witch is taken great care of.

Most importantly, the reason you're here, Hongjoong and Seonghwa are indeed very in love with each other.

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