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Hongjoong of course knew just how hard the journey would be to try and catch up to the moving castle. So, he started quickly and didn't waste any time escaping the mazes of streets in his town. He didn't look back once, this would be the last time he would see his town for a while. He didn't let the sadness wash over him, getting rid of this curse was the only thing crossing his mind. His weak legs were a constant reminder on why he was making this hard journey. Leaving the town would be worth it if he could get his youth back.

Hongjoong tried to shut off his mind, as well as the aches and creaks coming from his new body. Over the first hill was easier said than done, but he made it and then it was down and up for the second hill. It seemed almost mountain like to Hongjoong who stood at the very bottom. He was convinced his grey hair may touch the clouds once he reached the top.

He followed the path carved up the massive hill. The stones and pebbles guiding his way through the grass. If there was a path to follow then many people had walked this road before, and he knew it was possible. It seemed beforehand to Hongjoong that this trip was almost impossible because of the state he is in, but others have walked this path, so he could to. He tried not to let anything dampen his spirits, he really just wanted his youth back, but he found he had a desperate urge to go back home.

The day was coming to a stop, after hours of being old and trying to climb a mountain like hill. Hongjoong was sure he had made massive progress, but when he turned his head, he had made it only half way up the massive bank. He sighed, but he couldn't complain. The sight of his small seaside town was far into the distance, yet the golden lights were starting to light up the streets, and to Hongjoong, his beloved home looked dream like from the green hills.

He wondered if Howl, the magic user could see this before he arrived the morning after. The slowly invading golden lights which made the town seem small and sweet, made it seem inviting. Hongjoong held a nice regard for his beautiful town. He was more sad than he expected to be leaving it for a while.

He sat down for a while, hoping this to be his stop for the day where he can eat as the sun goes down before nightfall hits the earth. His back was sore from standing all day, and his knees wobbled as he sat down on some grass. He sighed, he hated this body of his. The old one where he can barely move like he used to, and everything became harder than before. He was already sick and tired of the curse placed on him. Curse that witch.

He got out his food, and watched as the sun was moving at a snail's pace to the horizon. It painted more gold on his town, and it turn the waters a raging orange. It was a sight to behold, and Hongjoong wondered why he had never attempted to see this before. It was causing all sorts of inspiration and creativity to spring to Hongjoong's mind, but as he sat and ate, he thought this would be a life worth living. Even if he was old for the rest of his time.

After his food was over, he stood up, watching the sun disappear for the last few minutes. Once the clouds of night started to take cover, he looked back to the top of the hill he had yet to reach.

"I need something to help." Hongjoong looked around for a strong looking stick which would do well as a cane.

He smiled as he got lucky. A sturdy looking branch was poking out of a bush, it looked as though it had snapped from a far away tree and landed messily within the branches of a bush. Hongjoong made his way over and used all his old man strength to heave it up right. It wasn't a cane at all, in fact, the height and weight confused Hongjoong.

The head and body which was attached also confused Hongjoong. A head which had no features, but the jawline was sharp, and the straw hair was covered by a top hat. The non-existent body was covered with a white dress shirt, a tie and blazer. The one stick acted as his legs. A weird looking scarecrow was left behind.

"Oh dear." Muttered Hongjoong, "Sorry about that. I'll leave you propped up right so your owner might see you."

Hongjoong patted the stick which was now planted in the ground, and smiled before turning back to his belongings. He picked them up, and continued his journey without finding what he hoped to find. It was getting darker quicker, and Hongjoong's frail body was close to freezing too. He was wearing his jacket close to his body hoping to warm up.

When he heard small pattering on the stones behind him, Hongjoong looked back. He was hoping it wasn't the young witch again. He would rather it be anyone than him. Instead, it was the same scare crow. Hongjoong was worried and scared, this scarecrow was moving! Following him up the hill this whole time!

"Mr. Scarecrow?" Hongjoong chanced, he was a being of magic? Or he was cursed too?

When the scarecrow reached Hongjoong, he stopped at his feet and dropped a cloak onto Hongjoong's shoulder gently. Hongjoong felt a great wave of sympathy for the scarecrow, and bowed politely in thanks. 

"Thank you." Hongjoong chuckled, his voice grave and rough with age, "You wouldn't happen to know any warm places I can stay?"

Hongjoong thought he might ask just to chance it, but he knew that it was going to be a very rare yes. He even wondered if the featureless scare crow could even see or speak. His thoughts were confirmed when the scarecrow turned from Hongjoong and started bouncing it's way down the hill again. All Hongjoong could do was sigh, even at the ripe age of what felt like 80 years old, he would have to keep walking.

So he did, deep into the night where there was no light whatsoever, and Hongjoong could barely see if he was staying on the path. He jumped out of his skin when he heard the churring of metal, and the vibrations in the ground beneath his feet. He stopped, and turned to look over the vast distance he had made. Behind him, the grinding of old metal, was sounding and the moving castle from yesterday was walking into Hongjoong's sight.

And following in front was the scarecrow!

"Mr. Scarecrow, thank you!" Hongjoong shouted as they approached. The moving castle stopped, and Hongjoong was pleasantly surprised at the door awaiting for him, "Are you coming Mr. Scarecrow?"

Hongjoong watched as the scarecrow just looked at him. His eyes were drawn back to the door as the castle started moving again, Hongjoong gasped in surprise, moving fast to catch the steps and railings which would lead him to the door. His old body seemed to stop hurting for a second as he launched himself on the steps. He looked back at the scarecrow which was jumping up and down on the one stick to catch up.

"I will see you again Mr. Scarecrow! Thank you so much!" Hongjoong shouted, although he felt awful he couldn't help him.

He turned to the door which was swaying with the castle, he walked up to it and entered quickly.

Magic Man, SeongJoongWhere stories live. Discover now