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As Hongjoong was getting ready in a nice outfit, provided by Howl's magic, he couldn't help but get Seonghwa out of his mind. It was a fitting name for such a magnificent being, and it suited the wizard perfectly. Hongjoong often thought about what it meant, but he would like it to mean something beautiful.

He was adorned in rich colours like green and purple, and Hongjoong thought he might look a bit too outlandish for the palace, but Seonghwa who gathered strength to see him off, had nodded in satisfactory. Hongjoong's final touch was a hat he had made a while back especially for himself, it was just a little straw hat, with a green ribbon around the base.

"Your going to wear that?" Seonghwa questioned the old man, "After I used a lot of magic on your outfit?"

Hongjoong ignored him, and collected his walking cane from Yeosang's hands. Hongjoong walked to the door, saying his goodbyes to the talking fire demon and to the blonde little boy he had come to adore. As he placed his hand on the door, he felt a soft tingling followed by an even softer touch. Hongjoong looked at Seonghwa who was leaning over his shoulder.

He felt something cold being placed on his index finger. Hongjoong tore his eyes away from Howl's face, and looked at the ring which was place perfectly at the base of his finger. It was a dark silver, which intricate patterns. At the very centre was a jewel, a very bright orange jewel which Hongjoong liked a lot considering his original hair was similar to the colour.

"This charm assures your safe return." Seonghwa whispered gently into his ear. Hongjoong looked back at him, he felt young, to feel such butterflies, "Now don't worry, I'll follow you in disguise."

Hongjoong nodded, and Seonghwa pushed him out the door gently. Hongjoong walked beyond the door and into the city he had never been too. The seaside town was lovely, and the waste was definitely something, so what did this town have to offer?

As soon as he made hast down the street, in the direction of the grand palace, he was astonished by the sights. Despite it being a city, down the street Hongjoong was walking, there were trees planted every metre away which create shade for Hongjoong's wrinkling skin. There was also many passing cars, much grander than the cars which Hongjoong saw in his town. He kept walking, and as he passed the corner of the building, he saw many more grand buildings.

High buildings, small buildings which housed flowers beyond desire, and shops with golden chairs outside for people. Buildings with such detailed architecture Hongjoong couldn't believe his eyes – this town was most definitely where the king and Mr. Suliman resided, it was made for the rich. The buildings with detailed architecture were also houses for many a bird. There was music every second from different birds, and caws from big birds.

"I don't suppose he's following me as a crow." Hongjoong laughed to himself.

Hongjoong finally came upon the city's very centre, which was marked with a grandiose statue of a soldier riding his horse. A famous knight perhaps, yet Hongjoong couldn't stop to read the plaque of information. He didn't want to bump into one of the many people walking the streets, especially with their fancy dresses, suits and even their expensive umbrellas which was used sorely for some shade in this heat. He also didn't want to draw attention to himself, around every corner their seemed to be soldiers acting as guards, keeping the place under control.

Hongjoong eventually came to the King's jury building, and so far he had not received any sign that Seonghwa was by his side as a disguise. He kept his cool, and made his way beyond the massive archway into the world of the King. Beyond the archway, it was like Hongjoong had entered a miniature town for the very rich, and close executives of the king. Very rich looking houses created a street all the way down to the largest flight of stairs Hongjoong had ever seen. The palace was far even from the archway, so Hongjoong stopped complaining in his head, and walked faster.

In the distance, Hongjoong could see the newly designed flying ships taking off, taking rich people on a flight for the first time. There was two seats, yet many people could stand safely on the back of them. They were made for the war, but Hongjoong guessed people were making use of them since the war hadn't reached this city just yet.

Beyond the sounds of the aircrafts, Hongjoong heard little footsteps behind him to his right. He looked to his right as discreetly as he could, and just behind him, he made eye contact with a small shaggy Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen, which was a popular sort of dog for the rich class. Since the small dog was following behind his feet so perfectly, he had the right to assume it was Howl.

"Don't tell me your Howl." Hongjoong cursed, as discreet as it was, it was also entirely burdensome, as Hongjoong now had the responsibility to take care of an old, worn down dog.

Hongjoong didn't really have time to dwell on the disguise of the wizard, as the same weird creatures which belonged to the Witch of the Waste passed by, carrying a small little hut. Hongjoong watched in curiosity. He was astounded to see the face of the young man who had put the curse of him when he entered Hongjoong's home. It was the same round, yet cute face he wanted to dislike. Yet, up close, he saw the Witch's fair skin, and chubby cheeks when he smirked. Not to mention, Hongjoong really wanted to dislike his beautiful, yet piercing eyes.

"Nice to see you again, little hatter." His smooth voice sounded, and his full lips turned to a smirk. Hongjoong was shocked to see his presence, "Thank you for delivering my note to Howl."

Hongjoong chose to ignore his voice, and his malicious intent to get on Hongjoong's nerves.

"How is Howl?" Jongho, the infamous Witch of the Waste asked.

"He's quite terrified." Hongjoong blurted out in anger, not only was he angry because of the curse placed on him, but he was angry on Howl's behalf too, "Thanks to him, I've become a cleaning lady."

"That's delightful. What brings you to see the king?" Jongho asked, rather curious about the hatter's visit.

"I'm job hunting. Sick of working for Howl." Hongjoong kept his answer short and brief, either hoping to ward of the Witch beside him, or at least make his statement believable, "You?"

"I was personally invited by the King." Jongho flaunted his infamous presence, "Seems that idiot Suliman finally needs my power."

Hongjoong didn't care about that, seeing the young man only reminded him of his own curse, "Why don't you break my spell?"

"It's impossible. My gift lies in casting, not breaking spells." Jongho almost laughed at the old man misfortune, "See you later."

Hongjoong scowled as the two creatures which carried the hut the Witch was sitting in moved faster, and the Witch was closer to reaching the palace gates quicker than Hongjoong was. It was stupid to be salty over something like that, but Hongjoong knew it was the Witch looking down on him again, and he didn't want to be looked down on again by such a ghastly being.

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