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Hongjoong had fell asleep, and now was awoken by flittering sunlight coming from the window by the door he entered from. His eyes opened slowly, and he wiped them to rid them of the tiredness. The wrinkles on his skin felt deeper, and he internally sighed. He thought since today he was on a wild adventure, he would take it slow and perhaps explore the new place under his feet.

That was apart of his plans, until the loudest bang echoed into the room Hongjoong sat in. Not only did he jump out of his uncomfortable position in the chair, but Mingi, the fire demon whistled to life. Hongjoong was almost tempted to laugh at the way Mingi roared to life suddenly, but he too was scared of the loud bang that the castle created.

He was even more nervous as loud steps were heard heading in their direction, he looked towards Mingi for a sense of what might be happening in the castle but when Mingi yawned and reached out for a random log with his tiny fire arms, Hongjoong frowned. He wasn't going to get a slightest clue as to what was happening in this magical moving castle.

A ring sounded, and echoed. Hongjoong jumped for the second time, and realised it was the doorbell to the castle. Hongjoong scurried to smooth out his clothes, and put the chair back where he found it. He saw in his scurry just how messy the place truly was. No surface was the colour it started as, and the heaps of stuff were made up of books, and clothes and all sorts of stuff you might find in bedrooms and even kitchens.

He sighed at the messy place, and then panicked as he realises he had to answer the door of the moving castle. How did someone find it if they were moving all night?

Then all of a sudden, Hongjoong heard the steps come closer and heavier, he turned to the menacing noise. He was surprised to find the source of the noise was due to a small boy running through the castle as top speed trying to reach his destination in time. He ran past Hongjoong's old frame, and checked the door.

"Calcifer, it's the seaside town." The young boy, who had a prominent lisp announced.

"Why do I care?" The rough voice came from the fire.

"Just letting you know, you know the wind is always harsh here." The young boy stated, and Hongjoong watched as the young boy put on a cloak and waved his hands over his face.

In place, the young boys features turned into quite a shock of a old mans features. Hongjoong thought the young boy looked worse than himself, the magic he used to appear old was clearly fake compared to the curse on Hongjoong. The long grey beard the little boy now has was a clear fluke to the eyes of Hongjoong, but to others, the little boy looked simply tiny and ancient.

Hongjoong watched as the said little boy walked down the steps and turned a colour dial. Once the colour switched to the blue, the little boy waited 2 seconds before opening the door. Hongjoong was amazed to find that the outside, beyond the moving door, that they were stationary in one place. Hongjoong inched closer to the door, the little boy was talking to people, two men in particular.

The mayor! The mayor of this small town was standing right outside the door!

"Is Master Park at home?" The mayor asked, and Hongjoong stood amazed.

"Unfortunately not, Master Park is out." The young boy answered, his voice a little more gruelling and sore sounding. A bad imitating of someone trying to be old, "I will answer in his stead."

"It's an invitation by His Royalty." Hongjoong watched as the Mayor handed the boy a letter, "It's coming, the war. His royalty desires every wizard to protect our land. Master Park's presence is imperative."

The boy closed the door, so Hongjoong turned back and fed Mingi some log to burn on. He realised the fire demon was to far from the logs to pick them up himself, so desired to help him keep burning. Hongjoong decided to ignore the boy, until the boy himself asked any questions about the weird old man who had found his way into the castle overnight.

He heard a cough, " And who are you?"

"Mingi let me in." Hongjoong smiled, as it seemed the boy was unimpressed with the new addition.

"Don't look at me. He climbed in from the wastes." Mingi answered defensively. Hongjoong sighed, the green hills, also known as the wastes due to the evil witch which lived around those parts. The young witch that put the curse of him, it seems.

"Your not a witch are you?" The little boy asked, and again Hongjoong was presently surprised once the magic was removed.

The young boy was very pretty. He had blonde hair which kind of look like Hongjoong's before the curse. A small version of the mullet he adorned, Hongjoong couldn't help but smile. The young boys eyes were a deep blue, and the boy's cheeks were full and chubby with child-like charm. He was cute, and reminded Hongjoong of his best friends younger brother. He smiled more as the little boy pushed the letter onto a disarrayed table.

The door bell rang once more, the colour dial didn't change. The little boy went to the door once more covered in the magic to make him appear old. A little girl walked in and asked if Hongjoong was another witch, Hongjoong lied and made her laugh. He watched as the little girl left the castle, which acted as a shop.

"I cant have you lying." The little boy scoffed. Hongjoong was about to argue back when the door bell rang again.

"It's KQ street this time!" Mingi shouted, and Hongjoong's interest was caught once more.

He watched the boy turned the colour dial to red and took two seconds before opening the same door for a third time. Beyond the door, the surroundings were different. Instead of a pebble path in the seaside, it was a wide cobble road and another mayor was standing at the door delivering for what seemed to be a royal again.

"I assume you'll be answering for Master Night Fury?" The man said, "It's an invitation from his royalty, please inform Master Fury that he's required at the palace."

Hongjoong looked out the window, and for as long as his eye could see, there was large buildings. Buildings he had never had the chances to look upon, he was in the heart of the countries city, where the royal king lived and breathed. Hongjoong smiled wide, the moving castle was connected to different places all over the country. The magic allowed them to move from space to space using the colour dial.

Magic was incredible!

"Where does the green one go?" Hongjoong asked, even though he was old, he felt young again with the discovery of how incredible magic was.

"The waste lands, where Calcifer found you." The little boy answered.

"And the black one?" Hongjoong asked next.

The little boy sighed, "Only Master Howl knows."

Hongjoong nodded and turned away from the door, and watched the blonde little boy run around, trying to sort all the letters. Once he put the letters away, he turned to Hongjoong and Mingi, and sighed once more before smiling.

"I'm having my breakfast now."

"Wait, what's your name?"


Magic Man, SeongJoongWhere stories live. Discover now