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Hongjoong's mother stopped and made direct eye contact with him, Hongjoong tried not to look away or shy away. He watched as her eyes widened, and she suddenly ran to him. Despite her royal purple dress, she ran and jumped into Hongjoong's arms. He barely managed to catch her, and he ended up dropping the flowers he was holding. Her hug touched Hongjoong's heart, and he embraced her.

"Where have you been? I searched everywhere for you!" At least her soft shrill voice was still the same, Hongjoong smiled, "Oh, look how you've aged!"

Hongjoong's smiled disappeared at his mother's hysterical words. He should have expected it, after all, that why he was hiding from her, but the words were still a bit of a shock to hear from her. She had tears coming out the corner of her purple covered eyes, and all Hongjoong could do was watch as she held his arms in a tight grip.

"It's all my fault!" She cried out and brought him into a second hug. The purple dress had puffy sleeves which made it hard for Hongjoong to breathe as they hugged, "I'm so sorry my boy."

Once Hongjoong's mother gathered herself, they both stood up and Hongjoong invited her inside. He paused for a quick second, and looked towards his mother. She truly had changed a lot.

"Mother, just before we head inside, the shop has changed a little bit on the inside." Hongjoong politely said. He wondered why his mother hadn't been here recently? What had happened when Hongjoong left?

They walked inside and Hongjoong watched his mother's reaction as she walked deeply into the main room where Calcifer and Jongho sat quietly. Hongjoong couldn't help but admire his mother's rich clothes which perfectly contrasted with the main room's yellow wallpaper.

"I barely recognise the place." He heard his mother speak in wonder, "Ah! Hongjoong I've got a new husband!"

Hongjoong froze as she announced the new marriage. He realised then that his mother had not been making hats when he was away, and keeping up with the shop, but that she had been partying and happened to meet someone new. Hongjoong stared at his mother and put on a awkward smile. Clearly, she had married someone rich too. It would explain the dazzling dress and accessories she was wearing – all minus the hat which belonged to Hongjoong.

He was strangely upset about it all. She neglected to think of Hongjoong and what he would do when the curse lifted, she neglected to think about Hongjoong's dad. Although he was never present, Hongjoong never neglected his father. After all, he never actually knew what happened to him. Did he die? Did his mother hate him? It was all so unclear so Hongjoong thought she was pretty selfish for it. Yet, his beautiful mother, his role model, he could never hate her.

"Oh Hongjoong...He's so wonderful, and he's rich too!" She continued to brag, and Hongjoong nodded. The same awkward smile never left his cheeks, "We can all live together! You wont have to clean again!"

Clean? How did she know? I guess it's the secret power of a mother.

"Mother, I'm quite happy here..." Hongjoong admitted, surprised that he was still quite embarrassed to admit it.

"Really?" She asked, concern on her face, "Oh I forgot! My car's waiting. I've got to run."

Hongjoong smiled, and slowly took his mother back to the front door of the shop. It was nice to see his mother again, and her reaction to his curse was surprisingly nice and considerate. Almost like she already knew what had happened? Hongjoong just thought that she had changed because she eventually found someone to love other than him, after all, Hongjoong knew the power of love and how much it could change someone...

He waved goodbye one final time as she drove off in a large carriage, with its own personal driver. Hongjoong stood on the shop's steps beside Yeosang and they stood and watched as many people were carrying bags and hauling luggage down the street. Hongjoong sighed, at the start of the day, people were walking the opposite way to head to work.

"They're all running away. The town will be empty." Hongjoong sighed, he felt bad for talking to Yeosang like this. He was just a child.

"Do you wish to run too?" He asked suddenly, and Hongjoong turned to the little boy quickly, "That's what the lady spoke of..."

Hongjoong realised Yeosang had been listening to the conversation between him and his mother. He smiled at the cute boy who seemed a bit worried about Hongjoong leaving.

"Yeah, she did. I'm glad we made up." Hongjoong reminisced.

Hongjoong was surprised by the sudden force on his body. Yeosang had removed the magic disguise he was wearing and buried his face in Hongjoong's waist, his arms clasping tightly onto Hongjoong dungarees.

"Don't go! I love you, Hongjoong! Please stay!" Yeosang pleaded, his voice muffled by Hongjoong's clothes. Hongjoong was touched by the little blondes words, and held his shoulders and ruffled his hair softly.

"I love you too Yeosangie. Don't worry, I don't plan on going anywhere." Hongjoong said softly, and he looked down at the young blonde who had a cute pink blush dusting his cheeks. He wondered if Yeosang had ever hugged Howl?

"Really? Are we a family?" Yeosang asked as he peered up at Hongjoong. Hongjoong couldn't help but love the little blonde boy and his sparkly eyes.

"Yes, we're a family." Hongjoong nodded, excited about the idea too. It would be the family he cherished the most.

The two of them walked back inside, and Hongjoong was surprised to see that Old Witch Jongho had somehow got his hands on a old smoking pipe. He was simply smoking it in all his audacity, without any of the windows open too. Hongjoong told Yeosang to go upstairs for a bit.

Cleaning, and being the only one able, was a little stressful. It seemed something had happened to Mingi too, and his power was beginning to die out. Hongjoong used a fire pump to try and give some oxygen to Mingi to kickstart his flames once more. Large blows of smoke raised along side some orange embers, but Mingi couldn't gain the power to raise his flames. Hongjoong frowned.

"How strange. I cant seem to get Calcifer going." Hongjoong said to Yeosang who had sneaked back downstairs, and to the old wizard who was smoking his pipe.

"Jongho, can you stop that? It smells awful." Hongjoong scolded him, especially as Yeosang was sitting at the other sofa chair.

"Why deny an old man of his pleasure?" Jongho said deviously, he was old and knew he could get away with it.

"Could you open a window Yeosangie?" Hongjoong asked politely and Yeosang hopped of his chair and walked over to the window.

"I wouldn't open that now." Jongho coughed out, "In Calcifer's present state, he can't possibly keep them out..."

How ominous, Hongjoong thought.

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