꧁•⊹٭𝙶𝚘𝚕𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝚁𝚘𝚘𝚖٭⊹•꧂

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It was a new day for everyone in the castle, yet the events that transpired from yesterday were circling everyone's minds. Despite the onset of a new day, Hongjoong had keep a stern eye on Howl's bedroom door, the place which he had yet to venture. Howl had gathered enough strength after the shower to move himself to his bed where he continued to stay all throughout the night, and all through this morning.

Hongjoong gathered he was sleeping somewhat peacefully after his body had turned to slime and he experience his 'breakdown'. Hongjoong however, had little sleep, the thing Howl had said was roaming his mind.

'His real name'.

Howl was going to reveal his real name to him, until he almost passed out of exhaustion. Hongjoong paid no mind to it at the time but now, it was all he could think about. Hongjoong had thought Howl was his real name, after all, it was the name everyone used for him. If it wasn't Park or another name, then it was definitely Howl.

It was breakfast time, after making a tea and some toast, Hongjoong knocked on Howl's door, hoping he was awake. He didn't get a response, so slowly, he took a chance and opened the door to the one room he had never had permission to go into. He opened the door which announced his entrance by the creaking hinges, and then closed it.

Hongjoong's eyes widened as he took in the state of Howl's room and why he wasn't allowed inside to clean it. His room was shining in a rich gold all over, whatever light entered, gold would reflect in any corner. Each inch of Howl's room was full with materials and objects Hongjoong couldn't even decipher, thousands upon thousands of trinkets which Howl had seemingly collected were piled up or pinned up. He even had many things dangly down from the ceiling. It was golden, but with thousands of tiny flashing colours which moved as Hongjoong moved around the room. It was magnificent, almost as messy but aesthetic as a museum.

The only clean place seemed to be Howl's bed, where he was sleeping soundly. A few misplaced teddies where Howl had pushed them away in his sleep.

Hongjoong walked forward, careful not to touch his artefacts or anything that had been misplaced on the floor. Hongjoong placed the tea and toast by the edge of the bed, a safe spot for not getting anything dirty. He looked at Howl, his clear features were still soft and shining, and he seemed calm and eventually unbusy. His new black hair was a delight to see, and Hongjoong wondered how many hair colours he could pull off. The new black colour made him seem a little older, less childlike.

"Wake up Howl. I made some tea for you." Hongjoong said gently.

Howl moved to the side, seemingly ashamed of seeing Hongjoong after the events. Hongjoong understood, and left the plate behind so Howl could eat in peace. Hongjoong turned to exit the room, he knew he would miss it.

"Don't leave me, Hongjoong." A soft voice sounded, and Hongjoong halted at that sound. He turned back to Howl who was looking at him with somewhat sad eyes.

Hongjoong walked back to Howl, and his wrinkled hand reached out for a stool hidden away under some exotic blankets. Hongjoong took a second to look at his hand once more, although he was still old, he felt somewhat younger than before. He sat and looked at Howl who had again, closed his eyes.

"The Witch of the Waste is trying to find my castle." Howl started explaining, "Truth is, I'm a coward. All this junk, it's just sorcery to keep her away. I'm scared to death."

Hongjoong was slightly taken back, after all, Howl had helped him escape from those horrible soldiers when they first met, and not only that but they had escaped from those weird creatures only because Howl had used his magic abilities. Hongjoong didn't count the fact that they had ran from them at the time too. Although Hongjoong thought him brave, he sympathised with the wizard. Hongjoong knew what the Witch of the Waste was like, anyone would be scared of him.

"Howl, why is the Witch of the Waste after you?" Hongjoong asked.

He hesitated, "He seemed quite interesting, so I approached him. But, he terrified me and I ran away."

It was a famous rumour that Howl had quite the thing for breaking people's hearts, seemingly young mens. The rumour is more than 10 years old, and therefore it's been altered and changed and remained a rumour. Yet, people like to excite it a lot. Was Howl talking about stealing or breaking men's hearts?

"Now, the king has asked me to report to him, as different names..." He continued.

"How many names do you use Howl?" Hongjoong asked, his curiosity getting the better of him. He wanted Howl to finish what he said yesterday.

"Enough to guarantee my freedom." Howl muttered, a sudden wave of sadness washed over the conversation.

"Well, can't you just refuse the kings invitation?" Hongjoong suggested, he felt that it was a silly suggestion considering it's the king.

"Do you see that?" Howl gestured up with his head, it was a signed poster, stabbed into the wall with grand looking knives and scissors, "The oath I took at the sorcery academy."

Hongjoong felt like he didn't really understand Howls situation and felt he was being a bit silly for suggesting this to him, "Why don't you just visit the king?"

He felt embarrassed when Howl's eyes widened even more at his suggestion, "Ehhh?"

"Just say it to his face!" Hongjoong continued, "Just tell him to stop the war or you refuse to help."

"Hongjoong. You don't know what they're like." Howl sighed and roll his eyes, and perhaps Hongjoong was being a little naïve but Hongjoong felt he was making more effort to help Howl than Howl was for himself.

"He's the king, he does what's best for the interest of the people, no?"

Suddenly, the clean blanket which was resting on top of Howl's body was flung up in the air, and the wizard rose from his bed. A smile daunted his face, and he looked happy, it was one of the first times Hongjoong had seen the wizard so lively.

"I know! You'll go in my place Hongjoong!" He shouted happily, his black hair falling over his forehead and a bit over his eyes, "You can go as Park's Father. You can tell him your son is an idle-good-for-nothing."

Hongjoong was stunned, all he could do was stare at Howl.

"Maybe Mister Suliman will even give up on me!" Howl announced as if it seemed the best news in the world.

Hongjoong didn't know who this Mister Suliman was, so for the next two hours the two came up with a plan, the wizard filled Hongjoong in with all the missing information. Mister Suliman was a wizard who taught Howl magic, and he was very well known and prestigious. He was tall, and used spells to look young, and he was handsome, supposedly.

"Okay, I'll leave for the palace now." Hongjoong stated with a determined nod.

"Hongjoong, about yesterday..."

Hongjoong turned one last time to the wizard with dark hair, "Yes?"

"I only want you to know this." Howl muttered, "My real name is Seonghwa."

Magic Man, SeongJoongTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon