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The young man with black hair, and a nice voice had left with the wind slamming Hongjoong's door shut. Hongjoong rolled his eyes at how rude that man was, he couldn't of been any older than Hongjoong but the aura he gave off was scary and it seemed everyone but Hongjoong knew of him and his presence. It felt as if the whole street turned silent when he was walking through Hongjoong's sitting room.

He didnt get to think about the situation much as a new one was arising. He was shrinking!

The floor was getting closer, and his body was filling with pain, so much of it Hongjoong had to crouch down to the floor and screw his eyes shut. His hand was on the floor to steady himself but as he opened his eyes, he was looking at a hand that didn't belong to him. A strangers hand was holding him steady as this pain coursed through his body.

He jumped back, and landed on his sore bottom. He felt weak, so immensely weak, like a bag of bones nearly. He was still in shock, what had that man done to his hands? They were wrinkled with age and time. The brown spots dotted his hands like freckles and they were so obvious it drove Hongjoong crazy.

He pushed past the pain in his legs, and stood up. He was definitely shorter, this man had done something to his whole body!

He hobbled over to the bathroom where the nearest mirror was. The light burned his eyes, but despite all the pain Hongjoong looked at himself. He was someone else entirely, Hongjoong couldn't move. That man, that boy, he was a witch and he had turned Hongjoong into a old version of himself with wrinkles, and a bad back. Hongjoong felt like crying at the sight.

"I can't panic." Hongjoong whispered as his brain jumbled ideas to try and figure out what he would need to do to get back to normal.

His body was aching, and sore. It was exactly like being old. He felt the tears hitting his cheeks, he felt the cracks in his skin soaking up the tears. His old wrinkled skin was unflattering, and he hated looking at himself. He turned off the light and exited the bathroom.

"Curse that wizard!" Hongjoong stated angrily as tears came dripping off his saggy chin, "Oh, look at me!"

His face and hands were the worst of it, at least Hongjoong seemed to think so. His skin was littered with those dark age spots, and he even gained a small mole on the very side of his left cheek. His clothes were shrunk along with him, and his brown pants and his brown blazer were short enough to fit his shrunken frame. His hair was no longer the brown mullet he had, but now a grey mess of hair on his wrinkled head.

"Don't panic Hongjoong, just sleep tonight. Tomorrow we'll wake up and it'll all just be a horrible nightmare." He told himself as he turned and dragged his old body up the stairs and into his bedroom.


It wasn't a nightmare. When the birds were singing, Hongjoong had woken up. His body was sore still, and he struggled to sit up right with his old bones. It turns out most of his skin was wrinkled and littered with old brown spots, so it wasn't his hands and face that were bad. He began wondering if he could start a new life as someone new, but he probably didn't have many years left in him.

He needed to break this stupid curse placed on him by that young man. Curse him, Hongjoong thought.

The only person that could break the curse as a magic user would be Howl. Hongjoong started getting ready slowly, but as quick as his old body would let him. He wore the same brown pants, and a white shirt with his brown jacket. Although he didn't dress like he was old, the clothes on his sore back made him feel a little more comfortable and younger.

He needed to find Howl, the magic user who would hopefully help him release this curse somehow. Hongjoong looked out beyond his window, the moving castle was far over the hills again, making it's way away from the town now the festivities had ended and Howl probably had no more business here. Hongjoong sighed, he had no other choice but to follow on foot and try to make his way there to get Howl's attention. If he wanted to make any progress, he would have to leave now.

But first, he would sneak to the kitchens and make himself some food for the long journey over the hills. It wasn't a surprise his mother wasn't home, after all, she probably spent the night partying with friends and boyfriends, she had quite the reputation in the town. It was up to Hongjoong to now gather ingredients to put in his bag, so he could rest on each hill, and he could sit and eat to gain energy.

Hongjoong knew the journey would be tough, he was finding it difficult to walk around the kitchen to make sandwiches. He sighed as he picked up a cloak his mother would likely wear and shuffled it around his frail frame.

"Okay, a journey to find the moving castle." Hongjoong muttered as he left his house, and started the antagonising slow journey to the green hills in the distance.

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