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The sound of an aircraft was heard beyond the think glass of the greenhouse, and eventually, that aircraft landed safely beyond the glass windows onto the grass. Hongjoong could see someone with a green uniform was abode, now walking towards the three figures in the room. He had a large bushy moustache and large bushy ginger hair, which was pushed towards his eyes by his large green hat.

The man stopped in front of Suliman, and Hongjoong could no longer see him properly. Although once he started talking, his voice was loud and rough, though he spoke with eloquence. He turned to Hongjoong and started talking about the war, Hongjoong was a little lost with the conversation. He was even more lost when the same man, yet without the green uniform on, walked into the room shouting out to Suliman.

Hongjoong was highly distraught, he looked at the man next to him. The man's eyes were wide in disbelief. Hongjoong grasped that this version of the man was fake, a magic user was pretending to be him. The two of them watched as the double walked up to Suliman and cracked on with her like they were good friends. Once he had left, the room was silent.

"It's been awhile, Howl." Suliman smiled. Hongjoong found this smile was a little more sinister than the rest.

"Delighted to see you doing well." Howl's voice was back, Hongjoong sighed as he realised that Howl had transformed into that man. He assumed he had been the dog up until the meeting started.

"I saw right through you." Yunho joked, yet he was somewhat disappointed by his apprentices weak magic trick.

"I've kept my oath." Seonghwa said, and suddenly Hongjoong watched as his jet black hair was back along with his own face. He suddenly pulled Hongjoong close, his arm wrapped tightly around Hongjoong's whole body, "I've no wish to fight you. I'll take my father."

Suliman was a wise wizard, "I wont let you go."

One tap of his wooden stick against the floor had created enough power to form a black hole for one split second and then masses of water from someplace else in the world started hitting the floor in violent waves, causing almost a tsunami in a matter of seconds. It had hit both Hongjoong and Seonghwa, as Hongjoong closed his eyes, he realised he wasn't desperate for air, nor was he freezing cold. He opened his eyes, able to see underwater.

Before his very eyes, Hongjoong could see the sky appear and the water evaporate. Instead of seeing under the water, he was looking at a skyline displaying one of the most beautiful sunsets. They were no longer standing on the marble floor, but instead levitating higher than any building. It was almost nerve-racking, but Seonghwa's hold was tight enough to calm him.

"Whatever you do, don't look down, you'll be dragged down." Seonghwa whispered, and Hongjoong internally nodded and kept his eyes up.

"It's time I show your 'father' what you really are." A voice echoed to them, it was Suliman, but he wasn't physically there. Hongjoong was beginning to find magic weirder and weirder.

Hongjoong looked up at Howl, expecting some kind of curse, was he too secretly over a thousand years old? But instead, the sunset had disappeared and night was suddenly upon them. Hongjoong could see in the near distance a small moving object. It was bright, and it had a speed that normal eyes shouldn't be able to follow. Yet, Hongjoong was sure he was looking at a fallen star.

It zoomed in front of them, flashing unbelievably bright. It continued to zoom around their feet, unable to stop moving. More and more of them fell from the sky, descending right in front of Hongjoong's face. He was scared and a little confused, was Suliman trying to say he was a fallen star?

Hongjoong watched sceptical. The stars started bursting like flames hitting solid ground, Hongjoong flinched which made Seonghwa hold him a little tighter. Hongjoong had never seen stars burst before, but the little star dust that they left behind started to form shapes. They had bodies, almost translucent bodies which held hands and danced around them.

Hongjoong didn't know whether to love it or hate it. It was magical, but it was also haunting. Hongjoong didn't understand what was going on.

He felt something weird where Seonghwa was holding him, he looked at the gloved hand wrapped around his shoulder, sudden bulges ripped through the glove. Hongjoong looked towards Howl in a panic, what was happening to the wizards body? Did Suliman curse him?

Hongjoong watched as Howl's face suddenly grew little black and grey feathers, and his teeth became inhumanly sharp. His whole body was contorting to this animal, Hongjoong wanted to run, scream. He cowered when Howl started making noises of displeasure, and wings sprouted form his back. A black flash made Hongjoong tear his eyes up, it was Suliman.

"Don't Howl! It's a trap!" Hongjoong shouted, and covered the brown eyes which still belonged to his Howl.

Large bird hands covered Hongjoong, and they flew up and away from Suliman. They broke through Suliman's illusion, and Hongjoong was surprised to see they had just flew through the glass ceiling of the greenhouse and away from the wizard trying to take Howl's power. Hongjoong held onto Howl for dear life as they descended and landed on the aircraft outside.

They wasted no time in started the ship, and flying off. The wind was pelting them hard in the face, yet their desperation made them more determined to leave. Hongjoong had yet to notice the two other passengers onboard.

"Hongjoong, sit upfront." Seonghwa said, and Hongjoong moved seats, taking the controls gently in hand, "You brought the whole gang along."

Hongjoong looked back to see the old witch of the waste sitting at the back, with the dog in hand. Hongjoong scrunched up his nose and shook his head, showing the dog was not welcome as he was a spy for Suliman.

"Hongjoong, you steer." Seonghwa said as he stood by the side of the chair Hongjoong was sat in.

"Huh? I cant possibly do that!" Hongjoong shouted over the loud wind, his hands were to unstable to fly such an aircraft. Did Howl forget he was old?

"They're after us. I'll tackle them. Fly straight to the castle in the waste." Seonghwa ordered with a soft smile.

"That's impossible, it's ages away!" Hongjoong reminded the wizard, this plan was crazy!

"It's okay! The ring will guide you. Summon Calcifer with your heart." Seonghwa said as he looked at Hongjoong with a look in his eyes he had never seen before.

Hongjoong turned to his ring, the very ring which Howl also had adorned on his finger. He thought of Calcifer, he thought of the castle, he thought of Howl, and then, he thought of home. The ring's central jewel lit up brightly, and from the bright light it guided Hongjoong to the castle using a form of magic line.

"Follow the light. You'll be there by nightfall." Seonghwa said, and Hongjoong worried slightly for the wizard's safety.

"Why send me to Suliman, if you were coming yourself?" Hongjoong questioned.

"Your presence gave me the courage for it." Howl smiled coyly at Hongjoong, "You saved me back there, I was in grave danger."

Seonghwa suddenly let go of the wheel guiding the ship, which made Hongjoong in control of the aircraft. He swerved at first, but managed to guide the aircraft back up right.

"I can give you 5 minutes of invisibility. Here we go." Howl said, and suddenly another ship with Howl on swerved right while Hongjoong and the other two stayed on track to fly back home. 

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